Studies in Science of Science ›› 2016, Vol. ›› Issue (10): 1541-1549.

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The Effects of KIBS Normalization on Productivity: Path Mode and Empirical Test


  • Received:2015-11-10 Revised:2016-01-04 Online:2016-10-15 Published:2016-10-25



  1. 杭州电子科技大学管理学院
  • 通讯作者: 刘广
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: The KIBS(Knowledge Intensive Business Service) normalization and its effects have not yet been attracted by academia.Based on the connotation structure analysis of KIBS normalization and service productivity using EFA(Exploratory Factor Analysis) and CFA(Confirmatory Factor Analysis), the longitudinal influence path model and horizontal influence path model were proposed. The empirical studies of the above two model were confirmed and revised by path analysis of SEM(Structural Equation Modeling). Four issues were revealed. (1)The connotation structure of service normalization comprises input factor and transformation factor. (2)The connotation structure of service productivity can be characterized by internal performance and external performance, or by process performance and result performance. (3)Normalization can not directly affect result performance and external performance, but through process performance and internal performance respectively. (4)Normalization transformation factor plays important intermediary roles in the influence on the service productivity., The KIBS(Knowledge Intensive Business Service) normalization and its effects have not yet been attracted by academia.Based on the connotation structure analysis of KIBS normalization and service productivity using EFA(Exploratory Factor Analysis) and CFA(Confirmatory Factor Analysis), the longitudinal influence path model and horizontal influence path model were proposed. The empirical studies of the above two model were confirmed and revised by path analysis of SEM(Structural Equation Modeling). Four issues were revealed. (1)The connotation structure of service normalization comprises input factor and transformation factor. (2)The connotation structure of service productivity can be characterized by internal performance and external performance, or by process performance and result performance. (3)Normalization can not directly affect result performance and external performance, but through process performance and internal performance respectively. (4)Normalization transformation factor plays important intermediary roles in the influence on the service productivity.

摘要: KIBS规范化及其作用的研究尚未引起学术界广泛关注。应用探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析的方法研究KIBS规范化及服务生产率的内涵结构,之后提出规范化影响生产率的“纵向影响路径模型”和“横向影响路径模型”。利用结构方程模型(SEM)中的路径分析方法对这两个模型进行实证检验。本文的理论贡献在于实证了:(1)服务工作规范化的内涵结构维度包括规范化输入要素和规范化转化要素;(2)服务生产率的内涵结构可分别由内部绩效和外部绩效,或过程绩效和结果绩效来表征;(3)规范化不直接影响结果绩效和外部绩效,而是分别通过过程绩效和内部绩效产生影响;(4)规范化转化要素在对服务生产率影响中起着重要的中间作用。, KIBS规范化及其作用的研究尚未引起学术界广泛关注。应用探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析的方法研究KIBS规范化及服务生产率的内涵结构,之后提出规范化影响生产率的“纵向影响路径模型”和“横向影响路径模型”。利用结构方程模型(SEM)中的路径分析方法对这两个模型进行实证检验。本文的理论贡献在于实证了:(1)服务工作规范化的内涵结构维度包括规范化输入要素和规范化转化要素;(2)服务生产率的内涵结构可分别由内部绩效和外部绩效,或过程绩效和结果绩效来表征;(3)规范化不直接影响结果绩效和外部绩效,而是分别通过过程绩效和内部绩效产生影响;(4)规范化转化要素在对服务生产率影响中起着重要的中间作用。