Studies in Science of Science ›› 2018, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 313-323.

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Learning Orientation and Alliance Management Capability: a Moderated Mediation Model


  • Received:2017-03-30 Revised:2017-05-12 Online:2018-02-15 Published:2018-02-28



  1. 西安交通大学管理学院
  • 通讯作者: 江旭
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: Based on organizational learning theory, we investigate the direct effect of learning orientation on alliance management capability, the mediating role of alliance management practice adoption in the above relationship, and the moderating effect of competitive regime of the alliance on the mediating effect. The empirical results from 185 alliances from China reveal that learning orientation has a positive effect on alliance management capability and alliance management practice adoption mediates the examined relationship. Besides, competitive regime of the alliance moderates the relationship between learning orientation and alliance management capability in such a way that when there is a high level of competitiion between the focal firm and its partner, the mediation effect will become weaker. Our findings provide important theoretical and practical implications for firms’ alliance management.

摘要: 基于组织学习理论,构建了一个以联盟管理实践采用(alliance management practice adoption)为中介变量、以联盟竞争机制为调节变量的被调节的中介效应模型(moderated mediation model),以解释企业的学习导向如何影响其联盟管理能力。基于185家中国联盟企业的双份数据,采用逐步层级回归和被调节的路径分析法,研究结果表明联盟管理实践采用在学习导向与联盟管理能力之间起正向中介作用,而联盟竞争机制对上述中介效应起调节作用:当联盟企业与合作伙伴间存在直接竞争时,联盟管理实践采用的中介效应变得更弱。最后对研究的理论和实践意义进行了讨论。