Studies in Science of Science ›› 2019, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (11): 2016-2025.

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Technological Change, Sequential Ambidexterity and Latecomer Firms Catch-up: CIXING 's Longitudinal Case Study from 1988 to 2018


  • Received:2019-02-25 Revised:2019-04-02 Online:2019-11-15 Published:2019-11-26



  1. 1. 宁波大学
    2. 宁波大学商学院
  • 通讯作者: 张帆
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: Ambidexterity plays an important role in catching up for latecomer firms. However, it is still unclear how the latecomer firms can accomplish the process of catch-up through sequential ambidexterity. The longitudinal case study of CIXING from 1988 to 2018 found that latecomer firms can carry out different organizational learning according to the nature of technological change in the process of technological catch-up. The radical change period of technological paradigm shift is guided by exploratory learning and the independent institutes are responsible for that change. The convergence period of the technical paradigm tends to be stable, which dominated by exploitation and can be completed in mainstream institutions. At the same time, as the technological difficulty of catch-up increases, the R&D team of the firm is upgraded from lightweight to heavyweight. The dynamic matching between the nature of technological change, the type of organizational learning and the internal factors of the organization enables the latecomer firms to oscillate between exploration and exploitation rhythmically, forming sequential ambidexterity, and thus achieved technological catch-up with leading international companies. The conclusions of this paper contributed to the research of technological catch-up and ambidextrous learning.

摘要: 双元性对后发企业追赶具有重要的作用,但后发企业如何通过次序双元实现技术追赶的过程机制仍不清楚。慈星1988~2018年的纵向案例研究发现,后发企业在技术追赶过程中可根据行业技术变革性质开展不同的组织学习,技术范式发生转变的根本性变革期以探索性学习为主导,可由独立的自治机构负责,技术范式趋于稳定的收敛性变革期则以利用性为主导,可在主流机构内完成,同时随着追赶技术难度的增加,企业研发团队由轻量级升级为重量级。技术变革性质、组织学习类型与企业内部要素三者之间的动态匹配,使后发企业有节奏地在探索与利用之间进行转换,形成了次序双元,进而实现了对国际领先企业的技术追赶。本文研究结论对技术追赶和双元学习研究都具有一定的理论贡献。