Studies in Science of Science ›› 2020, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (8): 1428-1435.

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An empirical study on resilience and entrepreneurial willingness of residents in disaster areas: based on the 10th Anniversary Survey of Wenchuan earthquake


  • Received:2019-08-14 Revised:2019-10-08 Online:2020-08-15 Published:2020-08-15



  1. 1. 西南交通大学公共管理与政法学院
    2. 西南交通大学
  • 通讯作者: 明翠琴

Abstract: The relationship between entrepreneurial activity and crisis has become a new research direction. As an important driver and source of economic growth, entrepreneurship plays a positive role in promoting the recovery of economic productive capacity and alleviating the employment problem, but the disaster impact will reduce people's risk tendency and weaken people's willingness to start a business. Resilience as a psychological energy to deal with the plight, whether it can effectively weaken the adverse impact of the environment on the residents of disaster areas and enhance their willingness to start a business? Based on this, empirical analyzes the relationship among resilience, risk propensity and entrepreneurial willingness of residents in Wenchuan earthquake disaster area by using a large-scale survey data carried out in 2018. It is found that under the background of disaster, the resilience of disaster area residents weakens the influence of disaster impact on risk tendency, and has a significant effect on risk tendency and entrepreneurial willingness.

摘要: 创业活动与危机之间的关系成为新的研究方向。作为重要的经济增长动力及来源,创业活动对促进灾区的经济生产能力恢复以及缓解就业问题具有积极作用,但是灾害冲击会降低人们的风险倾向,进而弱化人们的创业意愿。韧性作为一种应对困境的心理能量,是否能有效削弱不利环境对灾区居民的影响并提升其创业意愿?基于此,通过采用2018年在汶川地震灾区开展的一项大规模调查数据,实证分析灾区居民的韧性、风险倾向与创业意愿之间的关系。研究发现,在灾害情境下,灾区居民的韧性能削弱灾害冲击对风险倾向的影响,并对风险倾向和创业意愿有显著的提升效应。