Studies in Science of Science ›› 2022, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (8): 1345-1352.
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Abstract: The imbalance of intellectual property law due to the erosion of technological rationality is becoming more prominent in the digital era marked by artificial intelligence, cloud computing and big data, gradually developing from partly imbalance to systematic and structural imbalance. It is urgent to regulate the conflicts between intellectual property rights and privacy, digital human rights, right to life and health, right to information, etc. The constructivist view of technology starts with the active factor of "human" in the emergence and operation of technology, and provides a solution for the aforesaid conflict. The construction of intellectual property law in the new technology era should take humanism as the starting point and the foothold, cultivate humanistic intellectual property protection perception from the following perspectives: establish a balanced view of protection, foster innovation and development community and build a risk community. Moreover, a humanistic intellectual property legal system should stick to the subject status of human being, strengthen human responsibility and complete fundamental rights. The proposal of humanistic intellectual property protection concept will also usher in the world moment for Chinese law.
摘要: 知识产权法因技术理性观的侵蚀而呈现的失衡状态,在以人工智能、云计算、大数据为标志的数字时代愈发凸显,隐藏着从局部失衡发展为系统性、结构性失衡的隐患。知识产权与隐私权、“数字人权”、生命健康权、信息获取权等权利的冲突亟待规制。建构主义的技术观从技术产生与运作中“人”的能动因素入手,为这一冲突的解决提供了思路。数字时代知识产权法的建构应当以人本主义为出发点和落脚点,从“树立平衡保护观”“培育创新与发展共同体”和“构建风险共同体”三重维度培育人本主义知识产权观,从坚持人的主体地位、强化人的主体责任、完善人的基本权利三个层面完善知识产权制度。人本主义知识产权保护理念的提出,也将为中国法迎来世界时刻。
初萌. 知识产权法的人本主义伦理转向———以建构主义的技术观为视角[J]. 科学学研究, 2022, 40(8): 1345-1352.
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