Studies in Science of Science ›› 2022, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (8): 1401-1412.

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Inter-provincial R&D Capital Stock: Framework, Test and Spatial Dynamic Analysis


  • Received:2021-06-17 Revised:2021-10-27 Online:2022-08-15 Published:2022-08-15

省际R&D 资本存量:框架、检验及空间动态分析


  1. 1. 重庆大学公共管理学院
    2. 重庆大学
  • 通讯作者: 赵世宽

Abstract: Mastering the level of inter-provincial R&D capital stock and its temporal and spatial dynamic evolution characteristics are of great significance for accurately understanding the level of regional technological innovation and implementing regional innovation-driven development strategies. Based on the accounting principles of the National Economic Accounting System 2008, this paper uses the comprehensive perpetual inventory method to calculate the total capital stock (K), net capital stock (Kn) and productive capital stock (Kp) of China’s 31 provinces from 1998 to 2018. The result shows that 1) during the sample period, China’s R&D capital stock maintain an average annual growth rate of 15.58%, and the R&D capital stock in the eastern region is significantly higher than the sum of the central, western and northeastern regions; 2) compared with the K and Kn, using Kp as an indicator of R&D investment can better reflect the region R&D level; 3) the spatial distribution of inter-provincial R&D capital stock is unbalanced, showing positive spatial agglomeration characteristics of "high-high" and "low-low" levels, and this feature has not been fundamentally changed during the sample period Change. Accordingly, this paper puts forward some suggestions to optimize the spatial distribution of inter-provincial R&D capital stock and promote inter-regional scientific and technological cooperation.

摘要: 掌握省际研发(R&D)资本存量水平及其时空动态演化特征,对于准确理解区域科技创新水平和落实区域创新驱动发展战略意义重大。本文遵循SNA2008的R&D资本核算原则,运用综合永续盘存法,测算出1998-2018年中国31个省份R&D的资本存量总额(K)、资本存量净额(Kn)和生产性资本存量(Kp),并对这三种指标进行比较检验和空间动态分析。研究发现:样本期间,我国R&D资本存量保持年均15.58%的稳步增长,东部地区R&D资本存量显著高于中部、西部和东北地区之和;相较于K和Kn,使用Kp作为研发投入指标更能体现区域R&D水平;省际R&D资本存量的空间分布不均衡状态明显,呈现出“高-高”水平和“低-低”水平的正向空间集聚特征,并且在样本期间这种特征没有得到根本性的改变。据此,本文提出了优化省际R&D资本存量空间布局、推动区域间研发活动合作的几点对策建议。