Studies in Science of Science ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 366-374.

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Excellence and Vitality: An Empirical Study on the Spiritual Qualities of Chinese Entrepreneurs


  • Received:2022-09-14 Revised:2022-12-06 Online:2024-02-15 Published:2024-02-15


闫 伟1,肖 雪2,严 飞3   

  1. 1. 斯坦福大学
    2. 中国船舶工业综合技术经济研究院
    3. 清华大学社会学系
  • 通讯作者: 闫 伟

Abstract: Why can outstanding entrepreneurs demonstrate excellent business management and leadership? This paper proposes the concept of entrepreneurial vitality as an analytical framework. We conduct in-depth interview with 30 entrepreneurs who appear in the featured report of China Entrepreneur magazine from 2017 to 2020. This study finds that the vitality quality of Chinese entrepreneurs includes four dimensions, namely energy, vigilance, tenacity, and peace. Among them, energy and vigilance belong to the vitality characteristics proposed by the Western scholars, while tenacity and peace are the unique vitality characteristics in the context of Chinese traditional culture. In this sense, the vitality of Chinese entrepreneurs is also inward-looking, including the elements of indulgence, restraint, and inner peace.

摘要: 为什么卓越企业家可以展现出优秀的企业管理能力与战略设计能力?本文提出企业家活力这一重要概念,并在实证层面选取了2017-2020年《中国企业家》杂志作为封面人物的三十位卓越企业家进行了长达一年的深度访谈。本研究发现中国企业家的活力品质包含四个维度,分别为能量、警醒、坚韧、平和。这其中,能量、警醒类属于西方学者所提出的“激发”“通外”的活力特性,而坚韧、平和则为中国文化背景下独有的“沉静”“内敛”的活力特性,从而构成了动静相宜、内外兼顾的具有辩证特性的中国企业家活力结构。这和西方学界更多将能量作为活力概念的核心、更加强调“动”的活力维度形成了鲜明的差异。