Studies in Science of Science ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (8): 1607-1621.

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Research on Evaluating Development Potential of Core Technology and International Competition Situation: Based on the Analysis of the Medical Equipment Industry


  • Received:2023-06-12 Revised:2023-09-26 Online:2024-08-15 Published:2024-08-15



  1. 1. 浙江工商大学
  • 通讯作者: 曹倩雯
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Abstract: The emergence of technology monopolies is incessant due to the intensifying global competition in the field of technology. Therefore, the crucial issue for China to overcome technical barriers and enhance its technological competitiveness is to assess the development potential of core technologies and the international competitive landscape. The description of the international competition situation of technology involves two steps: assessing the developmental potential of core technology and evaluating the competitiveness of each country in the technosphere with the great potential for development. The initial step involves acquiring all industry patents from the patent platform in order to select the core technology. The paper screen core patents are then evaluated based on technical and commercial criteria. Subsequently, a network-occurrence relationships of IPCs in these core patents is established, and the IPCs associated with core technologies are selected using centrality measures (degree centrality, closeness centrality, betweenness centrality) and popularity. The potential of core technologies is evaluated by applying the technology life cycle to align the growth of their quantity with the theory of technological system evolution. Consequently, we select core technologies that have not yet reached saturation as those with development potential. The second step involves utilizing five indicators to evaluate the competitiveness of each country in the core technology field with development potential. These indicators include: the number of patents granted to a country, the frequency of citations received by these patents, the inclusion of IPC codes in these patents, the ranking of the country among all patent applicants, and its status within the cooperation network. The paper ultimately employs the aforementioned approach to delineate the competitive landscape of the medical equipment industry. It is found that (1) the IPCs of A61B6/00, A61B90/00, A61B17/34, A61N1/05 and A61M5/172 are recognized as the core technologies with development potential, (2) technologically advanced countries such as the United States, Japan, UK, and Germany hold a technical position with upstream advantages in the supply chain, and (3) China exhibits noticeable deficiencies in the field of potential medical equipment technology. Among them, China ranks fourth in the competitiveness evaluation of research and development of core patented technologies containing core technology IPC number A61B6/00. However, China's competitiveness evaluation is extremely low in the technology containing core technology IPC numbers A61B90/00, A61B17/34, and A61M5/172. The core technology in the technical field represented by IPC classification number A61N1/05 has not been fully mastered by China and requires focused attention. Due to the lack of upstream technology in the industrial chain, China aims to achieve significant breakthroughs within the current competitive technological landscape. To accomplish this, it is imperative for China to explore a development path that aligns with its own technological innovation and identify opportunities for advancements in technologies that have not yet reached saturation point. This will enable China to effectively bridge the technology gap either through comprehensive catch-up or partial domestic substitution. The efficient and sustainable development of China's medical equipment industry requires the integration of targeted investment resources with policy implementation to establish a comprehensive industrial support system.

摘要: 摘要:全球技术竞争日益激烈,技术垄断层出不穷,评估核心技术发展潜力及国际竞争态势,识别技术突破机会,对我国突破技术壁垒、提升技术竞争力至关重要。论文从专利技术性和商业性两个方面筛选核心专利,构建核心专利的国际专利分类号共现网络,基于节点中心性和热门度识别核心技术,应用技术系统进化理论进行技术生命周期拟合以确定具有发展潜力的核心技术,并针对此类技术选取国家专利占有数量、专利被引频次、专利技术覆盖、专利合作排名和合作网络地位5个指标加权评估各国的技术竞争力,研判竞争态势。通过对医疗设备产业的实证研究发现,技术发达国家借助供应链上游优势,占据重要技术地位,我国在医疗设备产业潜力技术领域短板明显,应有针对性的投入资源,结合政策牵引,构建完备的产业配套体系,保障我国医疗设备产业高效可持续发展。