• 中国科学学与科技政策研究会
  • 中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院
  • 清华大学科学技术与社会研究中心
ISSN 1003-2053 CN 11-1805/G3

科学学研究 ›› 2023, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (10): 1833-1843.

• 科技管理与知识管理 • 上一篇    下一篇

比较视阈下政府 - 科研机构 - 企业关系研究


  1. 1. 启元实验室
    2. 清华大学高技术实验室
  • 收稿日期:2022-07-04 修回日期:2022-09-18 出版日期:2023-10-15 发布日期:2023-10-26
  • 通讯作者: 牛惠敏
  • 基金资助:

Transformation of the relationship between "government, national scientific research institutions and enterprises" from a comparative perspective and the rise of relevant science and technology policies

  • Received:2022-07-04 Revised:2022-09-18 Online:2023-10-15 Published:2023-10-26

摘要: 国家科研机构是国家重要的科技力量和社会进步的创新源泉,新时期国家实验室建设已成为国家科研体系建设的重要抓手,在这个建设过程中,科技能力固然重要,但各方的参与者及其关系的把握也非常重要。为探索符合我国国情的国家科研机构与企业的关系及相关科技政策,本文以格申克龙的后发优势理论为基础,结合霍尔和索斯凯斯的关于发达国家市场经济多样性范式的研究,选取以美国、德国和我国为代表的三类国家科研机构与企业的协作范式,分析其协作领域的特征及差异。基于比较分析,提出中国在现阶段和平竞争时期、经济发展为首要任务的外部环境下,应发挥政府的掌控能力、宏观调控能力,通过科技政策落实国家科研机构建设中各参与方的权责、增加基础研究投入、完善知识产权归属、畅通技术双向输出等以推进国家实验室体系建设。

Abstract: National scientific research institutions are the important scientific and technological force of the country and the source of innovation for social progress. In the new period, the construction of national laboratories has become an important starting point for the construction of national scientific research system. In this construction process, the scientific and technological capacity is important, but it is also very important to grasp the participants and their relations. In order to explore the relationship between national scientific research institutions and enterprises and relevant scientific and technological policies in line with China's national conditions, this paper, based on Alexander Gerchenkron's advantage of backwardness theory, combined with Peter Hall and David Soskice's research on the varieties of capitalism in developed countries, selects the cooperation paradigms of three types of national scientific research institutions and enterprises represented by the United States, Germany and China, and analyzes the characteristics and differences of their cooperation fields. Based on the comparative analysis, it is proposed that China should give play to the government's control ability and macro-control ability in the current period of peaceful competition and the external environment with economic development as the primary task, implement the rights and responsibilities of all participants in the construction of national scientific research institutions through scientific and technological policies, increase basic research investment, improve the ownership of intellectual property rights, and smooth the two-way output of technology to promote the construction of national laboratory system.