• 中国科学学与科技政策研究会
  • 中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院
  • 清华大学科学技术与社会研究中心
ISSN 1003-2053 CN 11-1805/G3

科学学研究 ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (11): 2241-2253.

• 科学学理论与方法 •    下一篇



  1. 西安交通大学
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-19 修回日期:2024-01-30 出版日期:2024-12-15 发布日期:2024-12-15
  • 通讯作者: 郝凯冰

Research on China’s Policy System of Science and Technology Ethical Governance Based on Three-dimensional Analysis Framework

  • Received:2023-10-19 Revised:2024-01-30 Online:2024-12-15 Published:2024-12-15

摘要: 完善科技伦理治理政策体系是加强科技伦理治理制度保障的必要前提。以1999年至2022年我国国家相关部门颁布的科技伦理治理相关45项政策为研究对象,对我国科技伦理治理政策外部属性分析发现,注册力度时序演变在2001年、2007年、2020年呈现三个波峰,政策颁布部门的机构类型涵盖全国人民代表大会、党中央以及卫生管理部门、药品管理部门、科技、教育等管理部门的立体结构,从发文数量以卫生管理部门占比43%居首。构建科技伦理治理过程(X)-政策工具(Y)-政策客体(Z)三维的政策内容分析框架,运用政策文本量化分析方法,发现科技伦理治理过程维度聚焦于科技伦理监管的政策文本数量以占比48.2%居首,政策工具维度以系统变革工具35.2%、权威工具占比34.2%居前,政策客体维度以科技机构为占比52.3%为主;X-Y二维分析发现监督管理、反馈改进环节综合运用了五类政策工具,举报披露仅运用激励工具、象征与劝诫工具两类政策工具;X-Z二维分析发现教育咨询、监督管理、调查处理阶段均覆盖了各类政策客体,举报披露阶段的政策客体缺乏对政府相关管理部门、科技机构的精准要求;三维交互分析政策文本整体分布不均衡。提出完善科技伦理治理政策体系为规范科技创新秩序提供制度遵循、构建围绕国家战略科技力量特色的科技伦理治理联动落实机制、建立基于科学数据数智化平台的科技活动全过程监管链支撑政策实施效能等建议。

Abstract: Improving the policy system is a necessary prerequisite for strengthening the institutional guarantee of scientific and technological ethics governance. Taking 45 policies on technology ethics governance issued by national departments in China from 1999 to 2022 as research samples, an analysis of the external attributes of policies reveals that the temporal evolution of policy intensity showed three peaks in 2001, 2007, and 2020. The institutional types of policy issuing departments cover a diverse range. The number of publications is led by the health management department, accounting for 43%. Constructing a three-dimensional policy content analysis framework for the governance process of science and technology ethics (X) - policy tools (Y) - policy objects (Z). Using the quantitative analysis method of policy texts, it was found that the number of policy texts focused on science and technology ethics supervision in the dimension of science and technology ethics governance process was 48.2%, with system change tools accounting for 35.2%, authoritative tools accounting for 34.2%, and policy object dimensions mainly focusing on science and technology institutions accounting for 52.3%; The X-Y two-dimensional analysis found that the supervision and management, feedback and improvement processes comprehensively utilized five types of policy tools, while reporting and disclosure only used two types of policy tools: incentive tools, symbolic tools, and persuasive tools; X-Z two-dimensional analysis found that the stages of education consultation, supervision and management, and investigation and processing all covered various policy objects, while the policy objects in the reporting and disclosure stage lacked precise requirements for relevant government management departments and scientific and technological institutions; The overall distribution of policy texts in three-dimensional interactive analysis is uneven. Propose suggestions such as improving the policy system of scientific and technological ethics governance to provide institutional guidance for regulating the order of scientific and technological innovation, constructing a linkage and implementation mechanism of scientific and technological ethics governance centered on the characteristics of national strategic scientific and technological forces, and establishing a full process supervision chain support policy implementation efficiency based on scientific data digitization platform for scientific and technological activities.