• 中国科学学与科技政策研究会
  • 中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院
  • 清华大学科学技术与社会研究中心
ISSN 1003-2053 CN 11-1805/G3

科学学研究 ›› 2015, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (3): 378-389.

• 科技发展战略与政策 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1. 安徽财经大学工商管理学院
    2. 华中科技大学管理学院
  • 收稿日期:2014-05-21 修回日期:2014-07-02 出版日期:2015-03-15 发布日期:2015-03-16
  • 通讯作者: 钱丽
  • 基金资助:


Environmental Constraint, Technology Gap and the Enterprises’ Innovation Efficiency–Empirical Research on the Provincial Industrial Enterprises in China

  • Received:2014-05-21 Revised:2014-07-02 Online:2015-03-15 Published:2015-03-16

摘要: 基于价值链视角,将技术创新活动分解为科技研发和成果转化两个阶段,并将环境效应作为非期望产出纳入成果转化阶段研究框架内。利用共同前沿理论和DEA模型分析比较了2003-2010年中国工业企业创新效率的区域差异,选取技术落差比率(TGR)指标考察中国三大地区企业间的技术差距,并按“创新生产技术”和“管理水平”两维度对各省份企业科技研发和成果转化无效率进行分解,寻找创新无效率的根源。研究表明:我国企业科技研发和成果转化效率偏低,共同前沿下均值分别为0.683和0.691;两阶段效率的区域差异明显,中西部地区TGR值偏低,尤其在成果转化阶段;东部大多数省份科技研发和成果转化无效率源于管理水平偏低,而中西部省份两阶段无效率主要受制于区域创新生产技术和企业管理两方面,内蒙古等少数中西部省份成果转化无效率源于区域落后的创新生产技术。

关键词: 技术创新效率, 环境效应, 技术差距, 价值链, 分解

Abstract: Based on the angle of value chain, the technology innovation is divided into two stages of R&D and S&T achievement conversion. And then, we put technology innovation’s environmental impacts into the measurement framework of S&T inversion, and make it as undesirable outputs in the second phase. By the method of nonparametric meta-frontier and DEA model , the analysis and comparison have been made on the regional disparities of China’s provincial industrial enterprise’s technology innovation efficiency during the period of 2003-2010.Additionally, a quantitative Technology Gap Ratios(TGR) has been made on the technology gap between the areas in utilizing innovation resources. Subsequently, In order to find out the root cause of inefficiency innovation, we decompose the inefficiency by the two dimensions of “innovative production technology” and “management”. The research show that: Industrial enterprise’s R&D and S&T inversion efficiency in China are low during the examining period. the efficiency averages are only 0.683 and 0.691 under the meta-frontier; During the period, R&D and S&T inversion efficiency’s regional disparities are significant. The TGR of middle and western efficiencies are low, especially in stage of S&T inversion; R&D and conversion inefficiency in the eastern state almost stems from the low level of management, while the central and western provinces main be subjected by the two aspects of area inefficient technology and business management, For a few central and western provinces (e.g., Neimenggu), the backward level of region technical is the main reason.