• 中国科学学与科技政策研究会
  • 中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院
  • 清华大学科学技术与社会研究中心
ISSN 1003-2053 CN 11-1805/G3

科学学研究 ›› 2017, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1): 146-160.

• 技术创新与制度创新 • 上一篇    



  1. 西安理工大学
  • 收稿日期:2015-12-16 修回日期:2016-03-17 出版日期:2017-01-15 发布日期:2017-01-20
  • 通讯作者: 魏龙
  • 基金资助:


The impact of routines replication on technological innovation network evolution

  • Received:2015-12-16 Revised:2016-03-17 Online:2017-01-15 Published:2017-01-20

摘要: 针对惯例复制的微观动态及其网络复制困境,分析了常规惯例和柔性惯例复制及其网络行为偏好,采用多主体仿真方法构建了基于惯例复制的技术创新网络演化模型,对比分析不同情境下惯例复制行为对技术创新网络演化的差异性影响。结果表明:(1)常规惯例和柔性惯例是惯例复制行为产生的根源性划分,常规惯例复制具有追求相似性选择与封闭式网络的行为偏好,而柔性惯例复制具有追求择优性选择与开放式网络的行为偏好;(2)相比柔性惯例,稳定环境常规惯例复制作用下网络的小世界特征更显著,动荡环境不仅延长了惯例复制的演化阶段,而且抑制了网络的小世界效应;(3)常规惯例复制作用下结构涌现为高模块化和高连通性均匀分布的社群网络,柔性惯例复制作用下结构涌现为低模块化和高连通性非均匀分布的公约网络;(4)自组织演化过程中常规惯例复制对稳定环境的依赖性更强,能够提升网络弹性延缓网络僵化,而柔性惯例复制对动荡环境的依赖性更强。研究结论有助于揭示技术创新网络演化的动力学机制。

Abstract: In order to deal with the micro dynamic of routines replication and replication dilemma, this paper analysis the characteristics of conventional routines replication and flexible routines replication to define the rules of network behavior preference. Then a multi-agent simulation model is constructed to compare the effect on network evolution with different routines and environment. The results show that :(1) Conventional routines and flexible routines are original divided by routines replication behavior, organization with conventional routines pursue similarity attachment and more open networks, By contrast, organization with flexible routines pursue preferential attachment and more closed networks.(2) Conventional routines have more small worldliness in stable environment than flexible routines. The dynamic environment extended not only the process of routines replication, but also reduced the small worldliness. (3) Conventional routines emergent as feature of community networks with high modularization structures and high connectedness. Flexible routines emergent as feature of convention networks with weak modularization structures and high connectedness. (4) In self-organizing process, conventional routines have more dependencies with stable environment, but flexible routines have more dependencies with dynamic environment. The results can reveal the dynamic evolution mechanism of technological innovation network.