• 中国科学学与科技政策研究会
  • 中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院
  • 清华大学科学技术与社会研究中心
ISSN 1003-2053 CN 11-1805/G3

科学学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (10): 1735-1742.

• 科学学理论与方法 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南京农业大学
  • 收稿日期:2020-05-08 修回日期:2020-07-22 出版日期:2020-10-15 发布日期:2020-10-15
  • 通讯作者: 杨建国
  • 基金资助:


From Knowledge Masking to Cognitive Democracy: Knowledge Production of Environmental Risk Management

  • Received:2020-05-08 Revised:2020-07-22 Online:2020-10-15 Published:2020-10-15

摘要: 环境风险治理需要有效知识的生产与应用。传统环境治理建立在科学知识的根基上,依赖“技治主义”范式,通过“解难题”以寻求环境治理的确定性、可靠性。环境风险决策往往被技术专家所垄断,社会公众对环境风险的认知被当成“非科学”“非理性”而被排除出决策过程,公众智慧被专家知识严重遮蔽了。当前,科学常常与风险非常大、事实难确定、价值存争议、高度复杂性、决策很紧迫的“棘手问题”相勾连。频繁的环境风险争端引发人们重新理解与反思科学,使人类社会迈入后常规科学时代,科学已难以提供环境风险决策所需的安全保障与准确答案,传统环境风险治理遭遇高度复杂性、不确定性的挑战。后常规科学视野下的科学与政策领域,兴起了“公民科学”“知识分工”等知识生产与应用新模式,重塑了科学与政治的关系,倡导认知民主,主张专业知识的民主化。它们正视科学的不确定性与价值争议性,要求开放科学的认知承诺,强调非职业化、情境性的知识价值,在赋予公民与专家以认知能力平等基础上谋求多元主体的协商对话,通过“扩大的同行共同体”达成对科学、知识生产与决策等问题的基本共识,为高度复杂性、不确定性的环境风险治理奠定稳健、包容的知识基础。知识民主化既是环境风险治理的新典范,又是科学自身逻辑演进的结果。由此,知识也终将成为社会治理的“公器”。

Abstract: Environmental risk management requires the production and application of effective knowledge. Traditional environmental governance is mainly based on scientific rationality, relies on the paradigm of "technocracy", and seeks for the certainty and reliability of environmental governance by "solving problems". Environmental decision-making is often monopolized by technical experts, the general public's perception of the environment is regarded as "unscientific" and "irrational" and is excluded from the policy process, and public wisdom is obscured by expert knowledge. Today, science is often associated with very risky, difficult to determine facts, controversial values, highly complex, and pressing decisions. Environmental risk disputes cause people to understand science again, and make human beings enter the post-conventional science era. Science has been difficult to provide the security and accurate answers needed for environmental risk decision, and traditional environmental risk management has encountered the challenge of uncertainty. In the field of science and policy from the perspective of post-conventional science, new modes of knowledge production and application, such as "citizen science" and "division of knowledge", have emerged, reshaping the relationship between science and politics, and advocating the democratization of professional knowledge. They face controversial scientific uncertainty and value, requires open scientific cognitive commitment, emphasizes the amateurism, the situation of knowledge value, in the citizenry and experts on the cognitive ability to multiple subject to negotiation dialogue on the basis of equality, by "expanding" community of peers to achieve consensus on science, knowledge production and decision problem, for highly complex, uncertainty of environmental risk management to lay the solid foundation of knowledge. Knowledge democratization is not only a new model of environmental risk management, but also the result of the logic evolution of science itself.