• 中国科学学与科技政策研究会
  • 中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院
  • 清华大学科学技术与社会研究中心
ISSN 1003-2053 CN 11-1805/G3

科学学研究 ›› 2021, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (1): 53-62.

• 科技发展战略与政策 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1. 中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院
  • 收稿日期:2020-02-29 修回日期:2020-06-15 出版日期:2021-01-15 发布日期:2021-01-25
  • 通讯作者: 肖冰

Experience of Government Led Intellectual Property Financial Services--Case Study based on KOTEC in South Korea

  • Received:2020-02-29 Revised:2020-06-15 Online:2021-01-15 Published:2021-01-25

摘要: 知识产权金融是知识产权运营生态的重要组成部分,是重要的金融创新。通过研究,将现有知识产权金融服务模式划分为“政府主导型”和“市场主导型”两种主要类型。采用单案例最优实践的方法进行研究,选择韩国科技金融公司(KOTEC)作为研究对象,发现韩国的知识产权金融服务,是中小企业金融服务和科技金融服务相结合的产物。在政府的支持,多方主体的参与下,初步形成了以服务机构职能法制化、运营模式市场化、服务能力专业化、技术评估多元化等为主要特点知识产权金融服务体系。据此对我国知识产权金融服务体系的建立和完善提出了对策与建议。

Abstract: Intellectual property finance is an important part of intellectual property operation ecology and an important financial innovation. Through research, the intellectual property financial service mode is divided into two main types: "government led" and "market led". This paper uses the method of single case optimal practice to study, and selects KOTEC as the research object. It finds that the intellectual property financial service in South Korea is the product of the combination of small and medium-sized enterprise financial service and technology financial service. With the support of the government and the participation of many subjects, financial service system of intellectual property rights has been formed with the main characteristics of legalization of the functions of service institutions, marketization of operation modes, specialization of service capabilities and diversification of technical evaluation. Based on this, the paper puts forward countermeasures and suggestions for the establishment and improvement of the intellectual property financial service system in China.