• 中国科学学与科技政策研究会
  • 中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院
  • 清华大学科学技术与社会研究中心
ISSN 1003-2053 CN 11-1805/G3

科学学研究 ›› 2022, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (11): 1957-1967.

• 科技发展战略与政策 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1. 杭州电子科技大学
    2. 中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院
    3. 中国科学院科技政策与管理科学研究所
  • 收稿日期:2021-10-25 修回日期:2021-12-17 出版日期:2022-11-15 发布日期:2022-11-15
  • 通讯作者: 赵兰香

Has the construction of smart city improved the total factor productivity of enterprises?

  • Received:2021-10-25 Revised:2021-12-17 Online:2022-11-15 Published:2022-11-15

摘要: 智慧城市建设究竟发挥了什么作用,特别是对微观企业带来怎样的影响,是智慧城市实践和发展必须关注的问题,需要实证检验。本文利用中国2012年开始的三批智慧城市试点作为准自然实验,基于A股上市公司的数据,使用多时点双重倍差法,检验智慧城市建设对以全要素生产率为表征的企业发展的作用。研究发现:(1)试点城市中的企业全要素生产率的增长显著高于非试点城市中的企业,印证了智慧城市建设对企业全要素生产率的促进作用,否定了“索洛悖论”;(2)智慧城市建设对企业全要素生产率的提升效果随时间不断增强,对东部地区企业的促进作用更强,对于民营企业的刺激效果优于国有企业,且能够缩小企业之间初始效率的差距;(3)智慧城市建设通过增强企业技术创新和提高资源配置效率两种方式促进了企业全要素生产率的提高,从技术创新视角进一步研究发现,影响效果在产业生命周期的不同阶段上呈现异质性。本研究为智慧城市建设对微观企业的影响效果提供了实证检验,诠释了智慧城市发展对企业全要素生产率的推动作用。

Abstract: What role smart city construction has played, especially what impact it has on micro enterprises, is an issue that must be paid attention to in the practice and development of smart city, which needs empirical test. Based on the data of A-share listed companies, this paper uses the Time-varying Difference-In-Difference method to test the role of smart city construction on the development of enterprises characterized by total factor productivity. It is found that: (1) the growth of total factor productivity of enterprises in pilot cities is significantly higher than that in non-pilot cities, which confirms the role of smart city construction in promoting total factor productivity of enterprises and denies the "Solow paradox"; (2) The effect of smart city construction on the improvement of total factor productivity of enterprises has been increasing over time, and the promotion effect on enterprises in the eastern region is stronger. The stimulation effect on private enterprises is better than that of state-owned enterprises, and can narrow the gap of initial efficiency among enterprises; (3) Smart city construction promotes the improvement of enterprise total factor productivity by enhancing enterprise technological innovation and improving resource allocation efficiency. Further research from the perspective of technological innovation shows that the impact effect is heterogeneous at different stages of the industrial life cycle. This study provides an empirical test for the impact of smart city construction on micro enterprises, and explains the role of smart city development in promoting enterprise total factor productivity.