• 中国科学学与科技政策研究会
  • 中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院
  • 清华大学科学技术与社会研究中心
ISSN 1003-2053 CN 11-1805/G3

科学学研究 ›› 2023, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (1): 30-37.

• 科技发展战略与政策 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中南大学
  • 收稿日期:2021-11-18 修回日期:2022-03-28 出版日期:2023-01-15 发布日期:2023-01-15
  • 通讯作者: 张翠虹
  • 基金资助:

Mission-Oriented Innovation Policy: Framework, Theoretical and Practice

  • Received:2021-11-18 Revised:2022-03-28 Online:2023-01-15 Published:2023-01-15

摘要: 任务导向型创新政策是为应对重大社会挑战而兴起的新政策范式,已成为许多国家解决“急、难、险、重”等科学问题的系统性政策干预方案。文章围绕任务导向型创新政策的概念内涵、要素构成、主要特征、理论解释与政策实践等不同维度展开全面分析。研究表明,任务导向型创新政策主要由政策目标、政策主体、政策工具和政策过程等要素构成,并具有方向引导、市场创建、协同参与和动态评估等特征。转型失灵理论为任务导向型创新政策干预创新活动的合法性提供了理论解释。现有任务导向型创新政策实践主要聚焦于保障国防安全、实现产业追赶和应对重大社会挑战三个方面。研究可为中国制定和实施任务导向型创新政策提供理论支撑和经验借鉴。

Abstract: Countries around the world are increasingly concerned about grand social challenges including climate change, aging, and global pandemics, all of which may negatively affect people’s life and well-being. These “wicked” challenges are complex, systemic, interconnected, and urgent. Traditional innovation policy systems are unable to effectively deal with them due to a lack of holistic strategic orientation and policy coordination, as well as fragmented policy instruments. Policymakers global wide are looking for a new systemic policy intervention to achieve transformational societal changes. In this context, many countries have been experimenting with a systemic intervention to give a long-term orientation to innovation support, usually referred to as ‘mission-oriented innovation policy’. Mission-oriented innovation policy is a new policy paradigm that has emerged in response to grand societal challenges and has become a systematic policy intervention solution to “urgent, difficult, dangerous, and critical” scientific problems in many countries. It emphasizes mission-directed orientation, encompasses a variety of policy instruments and combinations, and involves multiple sectors, disciplines, and actors. Although the attention of mission-oriented innovation policy is rising, it has not been fully explored as a new policy paradigm. Prior studies have not reached a consensus on the concept, connotation, constituent elements, and main characteristics of mission-oriented innovation policy, nor have they clearly explained the legitimacy of its intervention in innovation activities. In light of the above gaps, this paper focuses on three aspects. First, we construct an analytical framework of mission-oriented innovation policy and present a comprehensive analysis of its concept connotation, element composition, main characteristics. Second, we explore the legitimacy of mission-oriented innovation policy interventions in innovation activities through an explanation of the four types of failures (directionality failure, demand articulation failure, policy coordination failure, reflexivity failure) contained in transformational failures. Finally, we take the US Apollo program, China's new energy vehicle program, and the European Union's "Horizon Europe (2021-2027)" program as examples to conduct in-depth discussions on three typical mission-oriented innovation policy practices. The results show that mission-oriented innovation policy is mainly composed of policy objectives, policy subjects, policy instruments, and policy processes, and is characterized by direction guidance, market creation, collaborative participation, and dynamic evaluation. Transformational failure theory provides a theoretical explanation for the legitimacy of mission-oriented innovation policy intervention in innovation activities. Mission-oriented innovation policy can solve the problems of directionality failure, demand articulation failure, policy coordination failure, reflexivity failure contained in transformational failures by guiding innovation direction, shaping the new market, and coordinating the participation of a wider range of actors. The existing practice of mission-oriented innovation policy focuses on three areas: ensuring national defense and security, achieving industrial catch-up, and addressing grand social challenges. These three policy practices reflect that a country has different urgent problems in different development stages and environments, resulting in different dominant strategic missions. Our work can provide theoretical support and empirical reference for the formulation and implementation of mission-oriented innovation policies in China. With the frequent occurrence of challenges today, China must enhance the awareness of opportunities and accelerate the improvement of the mission-oriented innovation policy system under the special scenario. This is not only an important measure for China to effectively deal with unstable factors in the international context but also a strategic choice for major missions such as safeguarding national industrial security and breaking through foreign technology blockades.