• 中国科学学与科技政策研究会
  • 中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院
  • 清华大学科学技术与社会研究中心
ISSN 1003-2053 CN 11-1805/G3

科学学研究 ›› 2023, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (2): 253-263.

• 科技发展战略与政策 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1. 中国人民大学公共管理学院
  • 收稿日期:2021-12-27 修回日期:2022-02-18 出版日期:2023-02-15 发布日期:2023-02-15
  • 通讯作者: 钟卫

A comparative study on the income distribution mechanism of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in Chinese and American Universities

  • Received:2021-12-27 Revised:2022-02-18 Online:2023-02-15 Published:2023-02-15

摘要: 高校科技成果转化收益分配问题是各国法律和政府政策关注的焦点。论文以中美两国一流高校为研究对象,从科技人员收益占比以及大学支配资金的分配模式两个角度,归纳并比较两国高校科技成果转化收益分配机制。研究发现两者存在明显差异:中国高校对科技人员的奖励力度要明显地高于美国;美国高校以内部激励为主,而中国高校主要使用内部激励与外部激励相结合的方式。两国高校科技成果转化发展阶段和发展模式的差异是造成收益分配机制不同的主要原因。建议:现阶段中国高校科技成果转化收益分配政策一方面仍然要坚持政府主导型发展模型下的收入分配方式,但另一方面,应适当地向市场型发展模式下的收入分配方式转变。

Abstract: The distribution of income from the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in universities is an important issue of laws and government policies all over the world. Focusing on the first-class universities in China and the United States, this paper summarizes and compares the income distribution mechanism of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in universities in the two countries from the perspectives of the proportion of the inventors and the distribution mode of University dominated funds. It is found that there are obvious differences between the two countries: the reward for inventors in Chinese universities is significantly higher than that in United States; American universities mainly use internal incentives, while Chinese universities mainly use the combination of internal incentives and external incentives. The main reason for the difference in income distribution mechanism is the difference in the development stage and development mode of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in Universities between the two countries. It is suggested that at the present stage, the income distribution policy of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in Chinese universities should still adhere to the income distribution mode under the government dominated model, but on the other hand, it should appropriately change to the income distribution mode under the market-oriented model.