›› 2012, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (6): 870-876.

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The Role of Technological Resources for High-Tech Firm’s Internationalization in New Emerging Economy: Evidence from Optics Valley of China


  • Received:2011-11-19 Revised:2012-02-20 Online:2012-06-15 Published:2012-06-14



  1. 1. 浙江大学管理学院
    2. 浙江大学公共管理学院
    3. 浙江大学公管学院
  • 通讯作者: 吴航
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Internationalization is an important route through which firms in a new emerging economy can realize their growth potential. The ability to acquire and combine technological resources directly determines the success of high-tech firms’ internationalization. Based on the resource-based view, social network theory and institution-based view, we pick out 293 high-tech firms in Optics Valley of China and examine the relationship between technological resources and internationalization. The results show that inside technological resources and outside technological resources significantly affect internationalization. When firms own equity participation of MNCs and are positioned in the policy zone, it tends to be more convenient to use inside technological resources to fufill internationalization.

摘要: 国际化对于新兴经济国家企业发展具有战略意义。如何获取和利用技术资源直接决定高技术企业国际化成败。本文整合资源观、社会网络理论、制度理论三种理论视角,选取“中国光谷”293家高技术企业作为研究对象,对技术资源与国际化之间的关系机制进行了探索。研究发现,内部技术资源和外部技术网络资源对于企业国际化均具有显著影响。当企业吸引到跨国公司入股时,以及当企业位于政策区内时,企业更能够利用内部技术资源实现国际化。

关键词: 技术资源 , 跨国公司入股 , 企业位置 , 新兴经济国家 , 高技术企业 , technological resources, equity participation of MNCs, firm’s position, new emerging economy, high-tech firms

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