›› 2013, Vol. ›› Issue (3): 321-329.

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Resource Endowment,Institutional Change and The Development of China Science and Technology: An Accelerated Technological progress Hypothesis to The Needham Puzzle


  • Received:2012-08-08 Revised:2012-12-10 Online:2013-03-15 Published:2013-03-20



  1. 山东大学经济学院
  • 通讯作者: 王冬

Abstract: Science and technology progress is decided by both its conventional development and institutional innovation impact. The rate of conventional technological progress is relatively fixed, and mainly relies on a country's population size. The institutional innovation leads to institutional change which determines the rate of acceleration of science and technology progress. This is a mechanism for technological development. China's geographical endowments, the unified pattern and Confucian ideology interacted and codetermined China's larger population, for which China has a faster speed of conventional technological development than European countries. Meanwhile, by the size of the population, technological progress, the level of the system, ideology, China had a faster institutional progress and technological progress in the early stages, and lagged behind gradually both in institutional transition and science and technology progress later with the arrival of two turning point of China-EU scientific and technological development.

摘要: 科技进步由自身常规发展和制度创新冲击共同决定:常规的科技进步速度相对固定,主要决定于一个国家的人口规模;制度创新导致制度变迁,制度变迁的速度又决定了科技进步加速度的变化。这是科技发展的机制。中国的地理禀赋及其分布差异、大一统格局和儒家思想体系相互影响,共同导致了中国相较欧洲各国更多的人口规模,从而中国比欧洲各国拥有更快的常规的科技发展速度。而受人口规模、科技进步、制度整体水平、意识形态等多方面的影响,中国制度变迁速度(科技进步加速度)相较欧洲呈现先快更慢的特点。在发展初期,中国具有更快的制度变迁和技术进步,后来随着中欧科技发展史上两个拐点的到来,中国逐渐在制度变迁和技术进步方面先后被欧洲超越,并迅速大幅落后。

关键词: 李约瑟之谜, 科技进步, 制度变迁, 资源禀赋, 意识形态, the Needham Puzzle, Science and Technology Progress, Institutional Change, Resource Endowment, ideology