Studies in Science of Science ›› 2014, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (8): 1181-1188.

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Technology standardization of emerging industry: Process, network properties and evolution rules


  • Received:2013-12-18 Revised:2014-03-06 Online:2014-08-15 Published:2014-08-13



  • 通讯作者: 王珊珊
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: Competition in emerging industries around the world is substantially the war of technology standards, so technology standardization has become the inevitable choice for emerging industries to participate in international competition. This paper explores the technology standardization process and characteristics of emerging industries from three aspects including the formation, industrialization and marketization of technology standardization. Then, it analyses the network properties of emerging industries’ technology standardization using the thought of social network. Finally, it reveals the network evolution rules of emerging industries’ technology standardization. This paper aims at providing support for enhancing the technology standardization network effects of emerging industries and thus accelerate their technology standardization process.

摘要: 世界各国新兴产业的竞争实质上是技术标准之争,技术标准化已成为新兴产业参与国际竞争的必然选择。从技术标准的形成、产业化和市场化三个方面研究了新兴产业技术标准化过程与特点,运用社会网络思想分析了新兴产业技术标准化的网络属性,揭示出新兴产业技术标准化网络演化规律,旨在为提升新兴产业技术标准化网络效应进而加速其技术标准化进程提供支持。

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