Studies in Science of Science ›› 2014, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (8): 1227-1232.

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Research on the Sources and Strategies of Technology Acquisition: In Case of Zhejiang Province Small and Mini-sized Enterprises


  • Received:2013-11-21 Revised:2014-02-13 Online:2014-08-15 Published:2014-08-13



  1. 浙江大学城市学院
  • 通讯作者: 武朝艳
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: Technology present situation and problem, source of technology acquisition, and relationship between social network and technology acquisition are analyzed using Zhejiang province small and mini-sized enterprises as the sample. The results show that, the level of technology is not high with a lack of R&D investment; the technology acquisition is mainly based on external source, with the serious problem of technology stealing; there are differences among the effects of social network (including friends network, public network, experts network and market network) on technology acquisition, which market network is the most significant. Therefore, small and mini-sized enterprises should gradually transform from the external technology imitation and import to the internal technology absorption and development, at the same time, they should also build technology innovation network to realize synergy innovation and technology upgrading.

摘要: 从技术现状与问题、技术获取方式、社会网络与技术获取的关系等三个方面,对浙江省小微企业进行了实证研究。研究发现:浙江小微企业目前的技术水平不高,研发投入不足;与大中型企业相比,小微企业的技术获取以外部获取为主,并且存在比较严重的偷技术问题;亲友网络、公共网络、专家网络和市场网络等不同类型的社会网络对小微企业技术获取的影响存在差异,其中市场网络的影响最为显著。因此,小微企业一方面应逐步从外部技术模仿和技术引进转变为内部技术吸收和技术开发,另一方面应形成技术创新网络以实现协同创新和技术升级。

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