Studies in Science of Science ›› 2018, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 193-201.

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A discussion on "the dispute of CEPC-SPPC" which based on the "well-ordered science" ideal


  • Received:2017-04-21 Revised:2017-09-12 Online:2018-02-15 Published:2018-02-28



  1. 中国科学院大学
  • 通讯作者: 陈强强

Abstract: Philip Kitcher consider that the image of science which base on moderate realism is practical, This is also the epistemology basis for the democratization of Science,at the same time, Brown has discussed the scientific basis for the democratization of science.The two bases are important prerequisites to the construction of?"Well ordered science" ideal which aims to provide standard to scientific practice governance."Well-ordered science" ideal demand the" process of ideal deliberation" throughout the whole process of scientific funding, specific research content and transformation of research results,so that to ensure that democratic forces can always play a role.Basing on the visual angle of "well-ordered science" ideal,the recent outbreak of the CEPC-SPPC controversy reflects at least three significant problems in China's current scientific practice governance:1)The ideal barriers of the "governance" of scientific practice in china;2)The governance subject fails to fully realize the democratic mode of scientific practice governance and its diversity and concreteness;3)The governance subject failed to identify the dual purpose of popularization of science:"Understanding" and "participation".To solve these problems, the following ideas seem to be available for reference:1)In ideological aspect,strengthening the holistic thinking in understanding scientific practice;2)In theoretical research aspect,leading the dimension of Universal Pragmatics;3)In system construction,paying attention to the justice principle of scientific practice management.

摘要: 基切尔认为,树立于温和实在论基础之上的科学形象才是实际的,这也是将科学民主化的认识论依据;与此同时,布朗论述了将科学民主化的政治学依据。这两个依据是旨在为科学实践治理提供标准的“良序科学”理想得以建构的重要前提。“良序科学”理想要求“理想慎思过程”贯穿于科学的资助、具体的研究内容及研究成果转化的全过程,以此确保民主力量能始终发挥作用。基于“良序科学”理论来看,最近爆发的中国是否应该建造“环形正负电子对撞机和超级质子对撞机(CEPC-SPPC)”的争论至少反映出了当前中国科学实践及其治理存在的三个显著问题:1)中国科学实践的“治理”方面存在观念性障碍;2)治理主体未能充分认识到科学实践治理的民主模式及其多样性和具体性;3)治理主体未能辨明科普的双重目的:“理解”与“参与”。若要解决这些问题,下述的思路或许可供参考:1)思想观念方面强化认识科学实践时的整体论思维;2)理论研究方面引入普遍语用学的维度;3)制度设计方面重视科学实践治理的正义原则。