Studies in Science of Science ›› 2018, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (5): 839-846.

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Threshold Estimation of the Effects of R&D Subject on Regional Economic Performance


  • Received:2017-06-07 Revised:2017-09-15 Online:2018-05-15 Published:2018-05-15



  1. 1. 中国科学技术大学
    2. 中国科学技术大学管理学院
  • 通讯作者: 孔骁
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: This paper re-tested the assertion as to whether enterprise takes a 'dominant' role in R&D activities and innovation in China based on an empirical analysis between the economic contributions of the R&D investment from enterprise and from the government using interprovincial panel data of from 2009 to 2015. And further research was conducted based on a time-varying threshold model to analysis the non-linear effect of two main R&D carriers—government and enterprise—on regional economic development. Nationally, research and development investment from the government has a greater economic output than that from enterprise, destabilizing the idea that enterprise has established a dominant role in driving innovation. For different regions that under different technology level, the economic performance of different R&D carriers were significantly different: for regions whose technology level were under threshold one, R&D investment from government had a stronger promoting effect on economic development; R&D investment from enterprise can produce obvious economic performance only when the technology level exceeded threshold one; while for areas whose technology level beyond threshold two, the driving effect of enterprise and government on regional economic development was consistent. In current R&D activities, more than 70% of R&D investment from both enterprise and government were beyond threshold two, so to lead more enterprise’s R&D investment to areas of medium technology level and to add more governmental support to areas under low scientific and technological development level should be the important goal of China’s technology policy.

摘要: 采用2009-2015年中国31个省(市、区)的面板数据,从经济贡献率的视角对我国企业R&D活动的主体地位进行了再检验,并基于动态门槛面板数据模型分析了企业及政府两大R&D投入主体对区域经济的非线性差异性影响。研究认为,以R&D投入的经济绩效为评价标准,我国企业主体地位尚未真正建立;处于不同科技水平的地区,不同R&D主体的经济绩效存在差异:科技发展水平低于第一门槛时,政府R&D投入更利于促进区域经济;科技发展水平超过第一门槛时,企业才能显著促进区域经济发展;而科技水平超过第二门槛时,政府和企业对区域经济的带动效应趋于一致。我国现有研发活动中,政府和企业超过70%的R&D投入份额位于第二门槛之上,因此引导企业向中等科技发展水平地区的R&D投入,同时增大政府对科技落后地区R&D活动的扶持和补贴应成为我国科技政策的重要目标。

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