Studies in Science of Science ›› 2020, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (8): 1464-1472.
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Abstract: Social capital provides new ideas and methods for the interaction between members from different disciplinary backgrounds and heterogeneous knowledge flow in interdisciplinary research teams. However, there is a lack of research on the mechanism of social capital on knowledge integration in interdisciplinary research teams. Based on social identity theory and cooperation theory, this paper introduces team identity and task interdependence into the study of knowledge integration and analyzes the three dimensions of social capital in interdisciplinary research teams -- structural social capital, relational social capital and cognitive social capital. Taking team identification as the mediating variable and task interdependence as the moderating variable, a moderated mediating model of social capital affecting knowledge integration of interdisciplinary research teams is constructed. Based on the structural equation model analysis of a questionnaire survey of 346 members of 46 interdisciplinary research teams in a research university of C9, it is found that: structural social capital, relational social capital, and cognitive social capital have significant positive effects on team identity, and team identity has significant positive effects on the knowledge integration of interdisciplinary research teams. Team identification plays a fully mediating role in the influence of structural social capital and relational social capital on knowledge integration, and a partial mediating role in the influence of cognitive capital on knowledge integration. Task interdependence positively mediates team identity. This study contributes to the research on the influencing factors and mechanism of knowledge integration in interdisciplinary research teams and provides a theoretical basis for guiding the practice of knowledge management in interdisciplinary research teams.
摘要: 社会资本为研究异质知识流动提供新的思路,但目前缺乏社会资本对跨学科合作知识整合作用机制的研究。借鉴团队认同理论,分析跨学科研究团队社会资本的三个维度---结构资本、关系资本和认知资本对知识整合的作用机制。以团队认同为中介变量,任务互依为调节变量,构建有调节的中介模型。基于C9某研究型高校46个跨学科研究团队的346名成员的问卷调查的结构方程模型分析发现:社会资本的三个维度均显著正向影响团队认同,团队认同显著正向影响知识整合;团队认同完全中介结构资本和关系资本与知识整合的关系,部分中介认知资本与知识整合的关系;任务互依正向调节团队认同的中介作用。本研究为社会资本和知识整合研究做出了贡献并指导跨学科合作实践。
王晓红 张雪燕 徐峰 王贞红. 社会资本对跨学科研究团队知识整合的影响机制[J]. 科学学研究, 2020, 38(8): 1464-1472.
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