Studies in Science of Science ›› 2021, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (2): 222-232.

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Import competition, innovation and high quality development of Chinese manufacturing industry


  • Received:2020-03-16 Revised:2020-07-06 Online:2021-02-15 Published:2021-02-20



  1. 1.
    2. 中南大学商学院
  • 通讯作者: 程倩

Abstract: Based on panel data of manufacturing trade between China and 78 countries (regions) from 2002 to 2017, this paper empirically examines the impact of import competition on the high-quality development of Chinese manufacturing from the Amount and Quality levels, and introduces innovation as an mediation variable in order to study the transmission path of import competition to the high-quality development of Chinese manufacturing. The research found that: import competition generally inhibited the high-quality development of Chinese manufacturing, and innovation played a mediating role in the relationship between them; import competition in developed economies promoted the high-quality development of Chinese manufacturing, but there is no mediating effect of innovation; import competition in developing economies has negative impact on the high-quality development of Chinese manufacturing, and innovation appears as a partial mediating effect at the Amount level and complete mediating effect at the Quality level; import competition in transition economies also has negative impact on the high-quality development of Chinese manufacturing, and innovation plays a part of mediating effect at both the Amount and Quality levels.

摘要: 基于2002-2017年中国与78个国家(地区)制造业贸易的面板数据,从“量”和“质”层面实证考察进口竞争对中国制造业高质量发展的影响,并引入创新作为中介变量,解构进口竞争对中国制造业高质量发展的传导路径。研究发现:进口竞争总体上抑制了中国制造业高质量发展,创新在二者的关系中发挥相应的中介作用;发达经济体的进口竞争促进了中国制造业高质量发展,但创新在“量”和“质”层面均不存在中介效应;发展中经济体的进口竞争对中国制造业高质量发展有负向影响,创新在“量”的层面表现为部分中介,在“质”的层面表现为完全中介;转型经济体的进口竞争同样对中国制造业高质量发展有负向影响,创新在“量”和“质”层面均发挥部分中介效应。