Studies in Science of Science ›› 2021, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (2): 303-312.

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How does the company's knowledge base moderating multi-source knowledge acquisition performance? -- Threshold effect based on depth and breadth of knowledge


  • Received:2020-01-23 Revised:2020-02-14 Online:2021-02-15 Published:2021-02-20



  1. 1. 河北工业大学经济管理学院
    2. 河北工业大学
  • 通讯作者: 孙可远
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Knowledge is the most important source of a company's competitive advantage, but it is unclear how companies use their knowledge base to find the optimal knowledge acquisition strategy. This study examines the threshold effect of four types of knowledge acquisition methods (internal R&D, technology purchase, cooperative R&D, and talent introduction) on innovation at the depth and breadth of the knowledge base. Based on the empirical analysis of 172 biomedical companies, the threshold effect of the depth and breadth of the knowledge base on the impact of knowledge acquisition on innovation performance has been confirmed. First, as the breadth of knowledge increases, independent R&D and technology purchase have gradually enhanced the promotion of innovation. However, R&D cooperation and talent introduction have an inverted U-shaped relationship to innovation. Secondly, with the deepening of the knowledge, internal R&D and talent introduction have an inverted U-shaped relationship to innovation performance, and the role of technology purchase and R&D cooperation in promoting innovation performance has gradually strengthened. Finally, based on the dual attributes of the knowledge base, companies are divided into five categories: knowledge-poor, specific, active, ideal, and general, and a checkered model of optimal knowledge acquisition combination strategy is developed.

摘要: 知识是企业竞争优势的最重要来源,但尚不清楚企业如何利用其知识基础找到最优的知识获取组合策略。该研究考查了知识基础深度和广度水平下四种知识获取方式(内部研发、技术购买、合作研发和人才引入)对创新的门槛效应。基于172家生物医药企业的实证分析,证实了知识基础深度与广度在知识获取对创新绩效的影响中存在门槛效应;首先,随着知识广度的增加,内部研发与技术购买对创新促进作用逐渐增强,而研发合作与人才引入对创新却存在着倒U型关系。其次,随知识深度的加深,内部研发和人才引入对创新绩效呈倒U型关系,技术购买和研发合作对创新绩效的促进作用逐渐加强。最后,基于知识基础的双重属性将企业分为知识贫乏型、专一型、活跃型、理想型和一般型五类,并制定出最优知识获取组合策略方格模型。