Studies in Science of Science ›› 2022, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (6): 1105-1116.

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Research on Integration Innovation Mechanism of Artificial Intelligence and Traditional Industry ---Analysis of China's Intelligent Security Industry Technology Innovation Network


  • Received:2021-04-23 Revised:2021-10-26 Online:2022-06-15 Published:2022-06-15



  1. 1. 南开大学新一代人工智能发展战略研究院
    2. 南开经济研究所
  • 通讯作者: 张昕蔚

Abstract: From the development of digital economy, the integration process of artificial intelligence and traditional industries, on the one hand, manifested as a macro technology diffusion and technical application process, and on the other hand, its performance is the technical interaction and technology integration innovation between micro innovation agents.Based on the relationship between 100 intelligent security enterprises, this paper conducted complex network analysis of the integration process of artificial intelligence technology and traditional security industries in China's digital economic development process.(1) Integration innovation of artificial intelligence technology and traditional industries is not a simple technical transfer and replication process, but a series of complementary innovation and new complementary technical system accumulation process, which is a diversified combination of general purpose technology and traditional industrial specialty technology.(2) The comparative advantage between multi-innovative mains is the basic conditions for promoting the integration of artificial intelligence technology and traditional industries.(3) Opening and development of various application scenarios is an important driving force for promoting intelligent integration development in traditional industries.

摘要: 从数字经济的发展实践看,人工智能与传统产业的融合发展过程一方面表现为宏观上的技术扩散和应用过程,另一方面表现为微观上创新主体间的技术互动和技术融合创新过程。基于100家智能安防企业的关系数据,对中国数字经济发展进程中人工智能技术与传统安防产业的融合创新过程进行了复杂网络分析。研究表明:(1)人工智能技术与传统产业的融合创新不是单纯的技术转移和复制过程,而是一系列互补性创新和新型互补性技术体系的累积过程,其实质为通用目的技术与传统产业专用性技术的多元化组合。(2)多元创新主体间的比较优势是推动人工智能技术与传统产业融合创新的基本条件。(3)各类应用场景的开放和开发是推动传统产业智能化融合发展的重要动力。