›› 2012, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (9): 1309-1315.

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Review on the Determinants of Patent Value:An Integrate Framework


  • Received:2012-02-20 Revised:2012-06-08 Online:2012-09-15 Published:2012-09-18



  1. 中国计量学院
  • 通讯作者: 郑素丽

Abstract: Patent value is one of the hottest issues of industrial economics and intellectual property management. This paper took out an in-depth literature review of patent value and its determinants. First, the concept of patent value and its characteristics was introduced, then the determinants of patent value were examined from four aspects: patent characteristics, patent holder characteristics, the characteristics of R&D behavior and other factors. The literature suggests that the distribution of patent value is highly skewed and the difference in patent value is the results of many factors. Future directions were put forward based on the literature review and the practice of patent system in China.

摘要: 专利价值的研究是产业经济和知识产权管理领域的热点问题,文章对国外近期专利价值及其影响因素的研究进行了梳理。首先概述了专利价值的含义及特点,然后从专利特征、专利权人特征、研发活动特性和其他因素等四大方面探讨了专利价值的主要影响因素及其作用机理和效果,提出了一个专利价值影响因素的整合性框架。研究发现,专利价值呈现明显的右偏分布,专利价值的巨大差异是众多因素综合作用的结果,战略和制度等因素的影响还需进一步深入研究和讨论。最后,结合我国专利工作实际情况指出,专利价值及其影响因素研究是富有挑战性的一个新方向。

关键词: 专利价值, 影响因素, 综述, 整合性框架, Patent value, Determinants, Literature review, Integrate framework

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