›› 2012, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (9): 1397-.

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On Organizational Mechanism for Dynamic Capabilities Building: Case Study from Perspective of Knowledge Sharing and Collective Interpretation


  • Received:2012-02-14 Revised:2012-04-27 Online:2012-09-15 Published:2012-09-18



  1. 浙江大学管理学院
  • 通讯作者: 张军
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Dynamic capabilities are key source of sustainable competitive advantage. Integrating RBV and modern evolutionary theories, this paper suggests that the core of dynamic capabilities is the ability of producing and modifying a firm’s operational routines for improved effects systematically, with the environmental dynamics as references and target for matching. As a result, making sense of environmental dynamics and responding effectively is the key for a firm to construct dynamic capabilities. Based on literature review, this paper adopts the sense-and-respond model as research framework. Through case study, processes from sensing to responding are observed. Then some findings got: (1) Processes of dynamic capabilities building are the continuous processes of new factors introduced into a firm and reciprocated with its existing resource/capabilities base. (2) Knowledge sharing and collective interpretation is the key to dynamic capabilities’ building and renewing.

摘要: 动态能力是企业适应动态环境、维持可持续竞争优势的内在基础。整合了资源基础观与现代演化理论,本文认为动态能力的核心是以环境动态为参照与匹配目标,企业系统地产生并修改其运营惯例以寻求改善效果的才能。因此,感知环境动态并对其有效响应是企业动态能力构建的关键。基于文献述评,本文采用“知觉——响应”模型作为研究框架,采用案例研究的方法,观察企业从感知环境动态到做出有效响应之间的过程,探索企业动态能力构建的管理与组织过程。研究发现:动态能力构建过程是不断导入外部新要素并与现有能力基础实现互换的连续过程;知识共享与集体性解释是企业动态能力形成与转化的关键。

关键词: 动态能力 , 组织机制 , 知觉——响应模型 , 知识共享 , 集体性解释 , 案例研究 , dynamic capabilities, organizational mechanism, sense-and-respond model, knowledge sharing, collective interpretation, case study

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