›› 2012, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (10): 1488-1493.

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The Problems and Causes of Chinese University Intellectual Property Management and the Policy Improvements


  • Received:2011-12-26 Revised:2012-08-02 Online:2012-10-15 Published:2012-10-26



  1. 上海同济大学经济与管理学院公共管理系
  • 通讯作者: 王珍愚
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: In the latest ten years, the number of patent applications and grants has increased rapidly, however, the patent quality, the patent valid term and the ratio of technology commercialization is low in Chinese universities. The problems of intellectual property management have hindered the Chinese universities from playing a significant role in the National Innovation System. Starting from basic data, the thesis analyzed the problems and the causes of intellectual property management in Chinese universities, then, put forward some policy recommendations including readjusted patent subsidy policy, independent market-oriented Office of Technology Transfer, patent declaration and evaluation system, specific intellectual property policy, high level of the intellectual property management and intellectual property management professionals.

摘要: 近十年来,我国高校专利申请和授权数量增长很快,但是高校专利质量低、有效期短、转化实施率低,我国高校知识产权管理中存在的问题严重阻碍了高校在国家创新体系中发挥作用。本文从我国高校知识产权管理的基础数据出发,分析了我国高校知识产权管理中存在的问题及原因,提出政策建议,包括:调整我国的专利资助和管理政策;设置独立的商业化运作的技术转移办公室;建立专利申报评估制度;制定具体的知识产权管理政策;提升知识产权管理的专业化水平;加紧引进和培养知识产权管理的专业人才。

关键词: 高校, 知识产权, 专利, 管理

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