Studies in Science of Science ›› 2014, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (10): 1461-1467.

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A Study on Innovation Methods of all the Nobel Prize Laureates in Chemistry


  • Received:2014-04-08 Revised:2014-06-03 Online:2014-10-15 Published:2014-10-20



  1. 华东师范大学哲学系
  • 通讯作者: 朱晶
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: This paper discusses the innovation methods of all the Nobel Prize Laureates in Chemistry. It shows that the Nobel Prize Laureates with scientific realism from different angles of view have different opinions on the relationship between theory and experiment. The ontology and concepts of chemistry had changed along with the innovation of scientific equipments. The innovation methods of all the Nobel Prize Laureates present three periods. Firstly, physical models and instruments were introduced to chemistry research, and the chemists focused on the simplified experiments. Secondly, the research of valence and structural problems and chemical kinetics were dealt with newly scientific equipments. Thirdly, computational approach of quantum chemistry was more often used by chemists. Molecular basis of biological phenomena was studied in terms of structure and function.

摘要: 对诺贝尔化学奖得主群体在获奖成就上所采用的研究方法进行了系统考察,分析了创新方法类型的演变与化学研究对象和概念之间的关系,挖掘了创新方法的化学学科特征。结果表明,在思维创新方面,化学奖得主从对传统培根式归纳法的强调,发展到对理论和实验之间关系的多元理解,并持有不同程度的实在论。工具和仪器的革新带来了化学领域概念的变化,以及化学结构本体论状态上的改变。创新方法经历了开始将物理学的模型、仪器、测量与计算方法引入化学研究、追求实验方法的简单性;到仪器革命带来的新工具促进结构测定与机理研究;再至综合多学科研究方法以及多种仪器技术,结合有机合成、检测技术从结构与性能上探讨生命现象的分子基础,以及量子化学计算与模拟成为研究新利器等三个阶段。

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