Studies in Science of Science ›› 2016, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (4): 539-547.

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What drives the decision of establishing overseas R&D institution of domestic firms: capabilities or government policies?


  • Received:2015-06-09 Revised:2015-08-17 Online:2016-04-15 Published:2016-04-25



  1. 中国人民大学商学院
  • 通讯作者: 王保林

Abstract: Establishing overseas R&D institution is an important method of realizing R&D internationalization as well as a part of OFDI. Based on the theory of R&D internationalization and theory of OFDI from emerging markets, this research identifies three driving patterns from two dimensions----capability of firms and governmental policies. Using the samples from Innovation oriented firms database, the empirical results imply that capabilities of firms are the main driving force to setting up overseas R&D institution; among the capabilities, tech-invention capability and tech-cooperation capability are the most significant whereas the absorbility is not. It concludes that, on the one hand, government is expected to offer great efforts to help firms with advantage of capabilities to process R&D internationalization; on the other hand, the absorbility should be enhanced, with firms taking technology searching and learning and cooperation as their objectives

摘要: 设立海外R&D机构是R&D国际化的重要形式,也是企业OFDI的重要内容。根据R&D国际化理论和新兴市场OFDI理论,从企业能力和政府政策两个维度识别了新兴市场企业设立海外R&D机构的三种驱动方式。利用我国创新型企业数据库的样本,实证发现我国企业海外设立R&D机构决策主要依靠企业能力驱动;在诸多能力中技术发明能力和技术合作能力又是主要驱动因素,而吸收能力并不显著。这意味着政府需要更积极地支持有能力的企业实施海外R&D决策,实现OFDI中制度优势与企业特定劣势的互补;对于以技术搜索、学习与合作为目标的本土企业而言,提高吸收能力将有助企业受益于R&D国际化。