Studies in Science of Science ›› 2023, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (11): 2050-2061.
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Abstract: “People-oriented” is the underlying logic and development cornerstone of the digital transformation of enterprises. However, in the tide of digital economy, the important role played by employees as micro individuals is often ignored. In practice, employees’ resistance has become an important factor hindering enterprises’ digital transformation. How to avoid employees’ digital transformation resistance is worth further discussion. From the perspective of configuration, this article has constructed a linkage model of antecedent conditions based on job demands-resources model. Furthermore, taking 235 employees of digital transformation enterprises as the research objects, fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) and necessary condition analysis (NCA) methods are comprehensively adopted to explore the sufficient and necessity causality between antecedent conditions and digital transformation resistance. This article has the following research conclusions. First, although no single antecedent condition can constitute the necessary condition of digital transformation resistance, control deprivation can play a universal role in the induction and alleviation of digital transformation resistance. Second, we have found that digital transformation resistance is the result of the linkage effect of multiple conditions. Specifically, there are four configurations that cause high digital transformation resistance, such as “high-pressure environment and resource shortage”. Moreover, digital skill requirement and control deprivation are complementary in the related configurations. Third, there are four configurations that cause non-high digital transformation resistance, such as “deep transformation and resource support”, which can prove that there is an asymmetric causal relationship between antecedent conditions and digital transformation resistance. Finally, based on the mechanism analysis of the configuration results, this article has condensed the attribute types, typical configurations and alleviating paths of employees’ digital transformation resistance. This article has the following theoretical contributions. On the one hand, this article comprehensively adopts NCA and fsQCA methods to identify the necessary conditions of digital transformation resistance. The research results can respond to the suggestions of scholars on method fusion and provide reference for a more granular understanding of digital transformation resistance. On the other hand, this article has constructed linkage model about antecedent conditions of employees’ digital transformation resistance, and on this basis, applied fsQCA to explore the sufficient condition configuration formed by multidimensional antecedent conditions. In addition, this article focused on the asymmetric characteristics of configuration, and discussed the configuration that led to high digital transformation resistance and non-high digital transformation resistance at the same time. In this way, this article can more deeply explore the micro individual psychological cognitive mechanism under the digital economy environment. This article has the following implications for enterprises’ digital transformation. First, enterprises should pay attention to the appropriate application of digital technology, so as to avoid excessive invasion of employees’ personal privacy. At the same time, digital skills training should be actively carried out to help employees adapt to the rapidly updated digital skills requirements. Second, enterprises need to ensure the resource supply of employees in the digital transformation by improving digital platform and creating an organizational support atmosphere. Finally, enterprises need to strengthen employees’ adaptability to digital transformation by enhancing their zhong-yong thinking style and psychological capital. At the same time, managers should convey positive ideas to employees so that they can seize the valuable opportunities for self-improvement in the digital transformation.
摘要: “以人为中心”是企业数字化转型的底层逻辑和发展基石,然而在数字经济大潮中,员工作为微观个体所扮演的重要角色却常被忽视。聚焦员工数字化转型抗拒的诱发与缓释机制,以工作要求-资源模型为理论框架构建前因条件联动模型,运用fsQCA和NCA方法,探讨前因条件与数字化转型抗拒之间的复杂因果关系。研究发现:(1)单一前因条件不能构成数字化转型抗拒的必要条件,但控制感剥夺能够发挥较为普适的作用;(2)存在“高压环境-资源紧缺”等4种引发高数字化转型抗拒的组态,数字技能要求与控制感剥夺在相关组态中呈互补关系;(3)存在“深度转型-资源支持”等4种引发非高数字化转型抗拒的组态,表明前因条件与数字化转型抗拒之间存在非对称的因果关系。研究成果基于组态视域探讨了多维前因条件对数字化转型抗拒的联动效应,为企业应对员工数字化转型抗拒提供了路径启示。
张樨樨 郝兴霖. 组态视域下员工数字化转型抗拒的诱发与缓释[J]. 科学学研究, 2023, 41(11): 2050-2061.
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