• 中国科学学与科技政策研究会
  • 中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院
  • 清华大学科学技术与社会研究中心
ISSN 1003-2053 CN 11-1805/G3

科学学研究 ›› 2021, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 909-919.

• 技术创新与制度创新 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1. 上海同济大学经济与管理学院公共管理系
    2. 同济大学经济与管理学院
  • 收稿日期:2020-06-25 修回日期:2020-09-04 出版日期:2021-05-15 发布日期:2021-06-03
  • 通讯作者: 曹瑜
  • 基金资助:

The characteristics and heterogeneity of environmental regulation's impact on enterprises' green technology innovation——Based on green patent data of listed firms in China

  • Received:2020-06-25 Revised:2020-09-04 Online:2021-05-15 Published:2021-06-03

摘要: 摘 要 基于2004-2015年中国沪深股市上市公司绿色专利数据,建立环境规制综合衡量指标,运用系统GMM估计方法,研究环境规制对企业绿色技术创新的影响特征与作用机理,分析绿色专利类型、企业所有制性质与行业类型的异质性。环境规制对企业绿色创新有先抑制后促进的“U”型影响特征;绿色技术创新活动中,环境规制会促进价值更高的绿色发明专利创新;非国有企业对于环境规制容忍度较低,“U”型拐点到来较早,且倾向于价值更高的绿色发明专利创新;环境规制对清洁行业与污染行业绿色技术创新的“U”型影响特征存在差异,清洁行业多体现“U”型曲线右半段,拐点较早,污染行业则完整体现了“U”型曲线全过程,拐点较迟。因此,采取灵活性差异化的环境规制政策对促进绿色创新与绿色发展具有积极作用。

Abstract: Abstract: Based on the data of green patents of listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets from 2004 to 2015 as samples, establishing a comprehensive measurement index of environmental regulation and using systematic GMM estimation method, the influence characteristics and mechanism of environmental regulation on enterprises' green technology innovation is studied, with the heterogeneity research on green patent types, enterprise ownerships and industry types. The environmental regulation has a “U” shaped influence on the green innovation of enterprises in which green innovation is suppressed first and then enhanced; In green innovation activities, environmental regulation tends to promote the creation of green invention patent with higher value; Non-state-owned enterprises have a lower tolerance for environmental regulation, and have a preference for more valuable green invention patents, while the inflection point of its “U” curve comes earlier; There are differences in the “U” shaped impact of environmental regulation on green technology innovation between the cleaning industry and the pollution industry, the cleaning industry mostly reflects the right half of the “U” shaped curve with an early inflection point, while the pollution industry fully reflects the whole “U” shaped curve with a late inflection point. Therefore, adopting flexible and differentiated environmental regulation policies plays a positive role in promoting green innovation and green development.