• 中国科学学与科技政策研究会
  • 中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院
  • 清华大学科学技术与社会研究中心
ISSN 1003-2053 CN 11-1805/G3

科学学研究 ›› 2023, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (1): 143-155.

• 技术创新与制度创新 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1. 华中科技大学
    2. 中南财经政法大学知识产权学院
    4. 华中科技大学管理学院
  • 收稿日期:2022-01-19 修回日期:2022-08-13 出版日期:2023-01-15 发布日期:2023-01-15
  • 通讯作者: 杨曦
  • 基金资助:

A Study on Innovation Ecosystem Construction Based on Grounded Theory:Take Chinese Artificial Intelligence Chip as an example

  • Received:2022-01-19 Revised:2022-08-13 Online:2023-01-15 Published:2023-01-15

摘要: 我国在芯片领域的技术瓶颈制约着产业发展,并在一定程度上威胁国家安全。人工智能芯片的兴起将为我国突破传统芯片领域中的“卡脖子”问题带来机遇。鉴于此,本文采用扎根理论和深度访谈结合的方法,遵循创新生态系统的行动者A(Actor)-创新活动A(Active)-位置P(Position)-链接L(Link)模型,对中国情境下人工智能芯片创新生态系统的构建进行探索性研究。研究发现:从行动者维度人工智能应用企业从应用需求、政府产业政策支持、高校科研机构研发的基础研究改造现有生态系统的机会,即行动者对传统芯片产业生态系统的改造;从创新活动维度发现合理的产业投资、高素质人才培养和知识产出能有效促进创新生态系统成长,归纳为加快创新生态系统“新陈代谢”;从创新生态系统位置维度,人工智能应用端企业、互联网企业和半导体产业链中向产业链上游、下游发展获取发展机遇,将此归纳为移动在创新生态系统的位置;从创新生态系统链接维度,优化基础研究到产业化、从科技成果到高价值知识产权优化产业创新生态系统的链接关系。造;从创新活动维度发现合理的产业投资、高素质人才培养和知识产出能有效促进创新生态系统成长,归纳为加快创新生态系统“新陈代谢”;从创新生态系统位置维度,人工智能应用端企业、互联网企业和半导体产业链中向产业链上游、下游发展获取发展机遇,将此归纳为移动在创新生态系统的位置;从创新生态系统链接维度,优化基础研究到产业化、从科技成果到高价值知识产权优化产业创新生态系统的链接关系。

Abstract: China's technology bottleneck in the chip field restricts industrial development and threatens national security in recent years. The rise of artificial intelligence chips will bring opportunities for China to break through the "bottleneck" problem in the traditional chip field. This paper adopts the method of combination of grounded theory and in-depth interview, follows the A (actor) - A (active) - P (position) - L (link) model (AAPL model) of an innovation ecosystem, and aims to explore the artificial intelligence chip innovation ecosystem construction in China. Based on the AAPL model, the research finds that: first, enterprises gradually grow into the core actors of the artificial intelligence chip innovation ecosystem, and the government, universities, research institutions, and professional service institutions build the innovation ecosystem around these core enterprises. Second, industrial investment, high-quality personnel training, and knowledge output in innovation activities can accelerate the "metabolism" of the artificial intelligence chip innovation ecosystem. Third, AI application enterprises and Internet enterprises in the innovation ecosystem move to the upstream or downstream of the industrial chain to promote innovation development. Fourth, The innovation ecosystem link emphasizes the transformation from basic research to industrialization in the field of artificial intelligence chips. This paper puts forward countermeasures and suggestions to promote the development of China's artificial intelligence chip industry: (1) From the perspective of innovation ecosystem actors, the transformative innovation of the present chip industry ecosystem by actors is the opportunity for artificial intelligence application enterprises in the Chinese context of the application demand, government industrial policy support, and basic research developed from university, research institutions technology commercialization. (2) As for innovation ecosystem activities, the government should actively cultivate the constructors of the industry, formulate the technical roadmap of the industrial innovation ecosystem clearly, and carry out reasonable industrial investment, high-quality personnel training, and knowledge output to effectively promote the growth of the innovation ecosystem. (3) As for the position of an innovation ecosystem, the existing artificial intelligence application enterprises and Internet enterprises should take advantage of AI chip development opportunities, and strive to move from the positions of application end or "follower" to the upstream of the ecological position and strategic layout. (4) From the perspective of link in the innovation ecosystem, it is important to create technological achievements which meet industrial development, and improve the conversion rate of technological achievements. In addition, we should attach great importance to optimize the link between basic research and industrialization, and the link between scientific and technological achievements and high-value intellectual property rights. This paper contributes to existing research in the following two aspects: first, the grounded theory is introduced into the research of the innovation ecosystem, and the theoretical research system of the innovation ecosystem is expanded. Based on the grounded theory, this paper summarizes the concepts related to the innovation ecosystem described by the participants of artificial intelligence chips into categories and explores the paths of building an artificial intelligence innovation ecosystem through the above core categories. Second, based on the AAPL model and the results of grounded theory, this paper builds China's artificial intelligence chip innovation ecosystem from the perspectives of actor, activity, position, and link, which expands the research boundary of industrial innovation ecosystem research in China’s "choke neck" technology.