• 中国科学学与科技政策研究会
  • 中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院
  • 清华大学科学技术与社会研究中心
ISSN 1003-2053 CN 11-1805/G3

科学学研究 ›› 2023, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (4): 659-668.

• 科技管理与知识管理 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 宁波大学
  • 收稿日期:2022-02-09 修回日期:2022-04-24 出版日期:2023-04-15 发布日期:2023-04-15
  • 通讯作者: 马帅
  • 基金资助:

The co-evolution process of leading international customers, domestic industry-university and latecomer firms catch-up

  • Received:2022-02-09 Revised:2022-04-24 Online:2023-04-15 Published:2023-04-15

摘要: 国际领先客户与国内产学研对后发企业追赶都具有重要的影响,但目前缺乏将二者动态联系起来的相关研究。通过永新1997-2021年的纵向案例分析,研究发现后发企业要实现由工艺技术阶段向设计技术阶段的追赶转型,国际领先客户与国内产学研的连接关系将由回应机制向同步机制转变。在工艺技术阶段,由于技术知识特性和市场需求不确定性都比较低,后发企业采用回应机制连接国际领先客户与国内产学研以实现工艺能力累积;在设计技术阶段,由于技术知识特性和市场需求不确定性程度都比较高,后发企业通过同步机制连接双方从而具备了设计创新能力。研究通过共演视角把国际领先客户、国内产学研与后发企业追赶联系起来,推进了关于后发企业如何持续追赶的理解,对我国科技自立自强也具有重要的启示。

Abstract: Both the international leading customers and domestic university-industry collaboration have important impact on the catch-up of latecomer firms. On one hand, cooperation with international leading customers will help latecomer firms to enhance market capability. The international leading customers can help latecomers to enter the global value chain in the form of OEM production to learn skill and process technology, but many latecomers would fall into the trap of long-term low value-added OEM after obtaining initial success in product processing, and it is difficult to carry out higher technological upgrading. On the other hand, university-industry collaboration will help latecomer firms improve their technological capability. The university-industry collaboration has always been an important national policy of the Chinese government to promote technological innovation, and many Chinese manufacturing firms have carried out various types of university-industry collaboration to improve their technological innovation capability. Through university-industry collaboration, latecomer firms can improve their absorptive capacity, so as better to identify, digest and absorb technological knowledge. However, in the process of practice, many university-industry collaboration have caused the problem of "marginalization of R&D" due to the separation of research activities from production and insufficient engineering capability, and there is a practical problem of relatively low efficiency in Chinese domestic university-industry collaboration. Therefore, connecting the international leading customers and improving the university-industry collaboration system simultaneously have become the core elements of catch-up successfully for latecomer firms. However, it is worth concern that there is currently a lack of relevant research linking the dynamics of both domains. Longitudinal case study can show the dynamic process of phenomena changing over time, and reveal how the dynamic mechanism behind the phenomenon works. Through the method, this paper explores the detail process of how the international leading customers and university-industry collaboration coevolve in the process of catch-up of latecomer firms. Based on the principle of theoretical sampling, Ningbo Novel Optics Co., Ltd. was selected as the case study sample. First, Novel Optics has achieved a catch-up transformation from process technology to design technology. Second, both international leading customers and domestic university-industry collaboration play important role in the catch-up process. Novel Optics has carried out close cooperation with international leading customers and many domestic universities and institutes, which has greatly enhanced its technological innovation and market capabilities. Through the longitudinal case analysis of Novel Optics from 1997 to 2021, this paper finds that the latecomer firms will realize the catch-up transformation from the process technology stage to the design technology stage, the connection between international leading customers and domestic university-industry collaboration should transform from echoing mechanism to synchronizing mechanism. In the process technology stage, the international leading customers direct the processing needs of mature products, so the knowledge characteristics of the technology are relatively low, the market demand is more certain, and the latecomer firms can connect the international leading customers with domestic university-industry collaboration through the echoing mechanism. The improvement of technology brings the improvement of product performance, latecomer firms can use the scale effect to further reduce product costs, and bring more value to the leading international customers. Subsequently, the market capability of latecomers will also increase. In the design technology stage, because the product is still in the development stage or even the research stage, both architecture design and component design have not yet been finalized, the knowledge characteristics of the technology and the uncertainty of market demand are high relatively, therefore, the latecomers need the synchronizing mechanism to connect the international leading customers with the domestic university-industry collaboration. This paper introduces the perspective of coevolution, which enriches the catch-up theory of latecomer firms. Based on the context of Chinese latecomer firms, it proposes a sustained catch-up path for the coevolution between the international leading customers and domestic university-industry collaboration. The paper not only makes up for the traditional deficiency from the single perspective of the leading international firms or university-industry collaboration to examine the catch-up of latecomer firms, but also provides a new mechanism for technological catch-up in the context of Chinese latecomer firms. These conclusions have also important enlightenment for the catch-up practice of latecomer firms and the self-reliance and self-improvement of Chinese science and technology.