›› 2012, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (6): 807-812.

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Rediscovery of Qualitative Method and Quantitative Method Based on Inter Disciplinary Research:The Case of Tourism Research


  • Received:2011-12-29 Revised:2012-03-20 Online:2012-06-15 Published:2012-06-14



  1. 南开大学旅游与服务学院,中国旅游研究院旅游市场与目的地营销研究基地
  • 通讯作者: 于海波

Abstract: The theory of inter disciplinary research methodology is becoming more important than anytime with the fast development of Application research of multi-disciplinary. This paper discusses the details of data, data collection and data analysis of qualitative method and quantitative method, and a brief summary of research paradigm which makes them clearer. To sum up, the qualitative method and quantitative method improve together the progress of understanding and researching better.

摘要: 随着跨学科交叉研究的不断增多,多学科视角下的研究方法理论认识日益重要,本文从数据搜集、数据分析、数据形式三方面分别梳理定性、定量研究的基本问题,最终对定性、定量研究的认识收敛在研究范式指导下的方法论整体层面。从科研之于社会的意义来看,定性与定量研究无优劣之分,两者统一于推进人类社会知识清晰化的共同目的。

关键词: 定性研究 , 跨学科交叉研究 , 旅游研究 , 定量研究 , 研究方法 , qualitative research, inter disciplinary research, tourism research, quantitative research, research methodology

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