›› 2012, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (6): 848-855.

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Study on the Impact Mechanism of the Patent Examination Behavior on Technological Innovationand and Its’ Policy Implications


  • Received:2011-11-20 Revised:2012-02-16 Online:2012-06-15 Published:2012-06-14



  1. 华中科技大学管理学院知识产权战略研究院
  • 通讯作者: 文家春
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金青年项目“基于审查行为影响下的专利倾向及其政策含义研究”(批准号 71003037);中国博士后科学基金项目“基于审查时滞控制的专利授权机制优化研究”(批准号20100480895)

Abstract: In order to alleviate the more and more severe examination pressure in recent years, all major patent offices have carry out reforms on the patent system from the patent examination quality, period and cost frequently. This paper analyzes on the impact mechanism of the patent examination on technological innovation, and considers the high error rate, the long period and the low cost of the patent examination would hinder the technological innovation. Meanwhile, there are the interaction between the examination period and the examination quality in the patent examination system and the effect on technological innovation cycle. To this end, in order to avoid the hinder effect of the patent examination on technological innovation on the basis of the maintain the internal balance, this paper presents China patent office should improve the standards of the patent examination cost and establish a rapid examination of request system in alleviating the backlog.

摘要: 为了缓解越来越严峻的审查压力,各主要专利局近年来频繁对专利系统从审查行为的角度进行改革。本文对专利审查行为影响技术创新的机理从审查质量、审查周期和费用三个维度进行了系统分析,研究认为专利审查的犯错率过高、专利审查的周期过长、专利审查的费用标准过低,对技术创新可能产生阻碍效应。同时,专利审查系统内部存在审查质量与审查周期的相互影响关系,而在专利审查系统外部也存在专利审查行为与技术创新的循环影响关系。为此,本文提出我国专利局在缓解审查积压时,为了在保持审查系统内部平衡的基础上改善专利审查行为与技术创新间循环回路的运行效应,应尽快提高我国专利审查费用的标准和建立快速审查请求制度。

关键词: 专利审查质量 , 专利审查周期 , 专利审查费用 , 技术创新 , Patent Examination Quality, Patent Examination Period, Patent Examination Cost, Technology Innovation

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