Studies in Science of Science ›› 2016, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (4): 582-590.

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Impact of Multi-dimensions of Market Knowledge on Disruptive Innovation of Technological Small and Micro Enterprises :the Mediation Effect of Knowledge Integration Capabilities


  • Received:2015-04-14 Revised:2015-07-03 Online:2016-04-15 Published:2016-04-25



  1. 华南师范大学公共管理学院管理科学系
  • 通讯作者: 薛捷
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: Disruptive innovation (DI) is perceived to be an effective strategy for technological small and micro enterprises (TSMEs) to compete with incumbent firms. Though Market is critical for successful development of disruptive innovation, the relationship between multi-dimensions of market knowledge and disruptive innovation did not get enough research attention. Based on data collected from 364 technological small and micro enterprises in Foshan district, Guangdong Province, the paper empirically analysis the aforementioned relationship. The results indicate the following: First, the breadth and depth of market knowledge have a direct significant influence on DI of TSMEs respectively. Second, the tacitness and specificity of market knowledge have a indirect significant influence on DI of TSMEs respectively. Third, knowledge integration capabilities (KIC) fully mediate the impact of the breadth and depth of market knowledge on DI of TSMEs, and partially mediate the impact of the tacitness and specificity of market knowledge on DI of TSMEs. Moreover, the multi-dimensions of market knowledge have a significant effect on KIC, which means capture and access multi-dimensional market knowledge is helpful for the TSMEs to strength their KIC.

摘要: 破坏性创新是科技型小微企业有效利用自身资源避免与成熟大企业正面竞争的有效战略。基于破坏性创新对于市场的重视,本研究探讨了市场知识的多维度特征对于科技型小微企业破坏性创新的影响。通过对364家佛山市科技型小微企业调查数据的分析,结果显示市场知识的宽度和深度对科技型小微企业的破坏性创新有着直接的正向影响;市场知识的内隐性和特异性虽然没有直接作用于破坏性创新,但会通过知识整合能力对破坏性创新产生间接影响;知识整合能力会部分中介市场知识的宽度和深度、完全中介市场知识的内隐性与特异性对于破坏性创新的作用。此外,市场知识的多维度特征还对知识整合能力具有显著的正向影响,获取和应用不同维度的市场知识有助于提升企业的知识整合能力。