›› 2012, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (9): 1378-1387.

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Research on Identifying Manfacturing Firms-KIBS Interaction Patterns


  • Received:2012-01-25 Revised:2012-04-28 Online:2012-09-15 Published:2012-09-18



  1. 浙江大学管理学院
  • 通讯作者: 周丹

Abstract: Manufacturing firms- knowledge intensive services interaction is one of the critical ways to strengthen manufacturing firms’ competitive capabilities. Then how to identify the interaction pattern is the basis and precondition . Complementary and supplementary interaction are two typical patterns. On the perspective of service innovation and industrial marketing purchasing(IMP), using multiple case study, this paper brings forward that the characteristic of resource absorbed, the object of interaction, communication during interaction, adaptation after interaction are four key demensions to establish ayalysis framework on differentiating manufacturing firms – knowledge intensive services interaction patterns.

摘要: 制造企业与知识型服务机构互动是企业获取外部资源,增强自身竞争力的关键途径之一,互动模式的识别则成为两类主体互动行为分析的前提与基础。互补型互动与辅助型互动是制造企业与知识型服务机构互动的两种典型模式,本研究基于服务创新研究视角与产业营销研究视角,通过多案例研究,提出互动所获取资源特征、互动目的、互动中沟通行为、互动后适应行为是识别互补型互动与辅助型互动的关键维度,以此来构建制造企业-知识型服务机构互动模式识别的分析框架,为制造企业与知识型服务机构互动的相关研究奠定基础。

关键词: 互动 , 互补型 , 辅助型 , 模式识别 , Interaction, Complementary, Supplementary, Pattern recognition

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