Studies in Science of Science ›› 2016, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (4): 520-527.

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Structural Blocking effect of China’s industrial upgrading in global industrial production network and The Breakthrough Way


  • Received:2015-04-29 Revised:2015-06-23 Online:2016-04-15 Published:2016-04-25



  1. 华南理工大学工商管理学院
  • 通讯作者: 王娟
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: The framework for analyzing technology spillover effects are constructed on the basis of global industrial production network in this paper. We use panel data including 15 industries from 2002 to 2012 to measure the degree of technology spillover effects on labor productivity in global industrial production network by input-output tables. Evidences show that with the extent of industrial production networks embedded in global industrial production network become deeper, “structural blocking effect” exist in the process of industrial upgrading . The impact of factors is more important than technical progress transition path way to achieve transition to regional emerging industries in global industrial production networks . You need to pay more attention to invest in large-scale equipment and R & D investment. In view of this situation, the author proposes a global view, taking strategy about upgrade between the chains and "in the global production network, not in the global production networks" to break structural blocking effect, to stimulate different types of subjects continued innovation of endogenous power. Enhancing their own division of labor status by the various levels of innovation ,grasping the development of the initiative and trying to climb the value chain of high value-added sectors. Finally realizing the Chinese industrial upgrading, and improving the international competitiveness.

摘要: 本文构建了全球生产网络下技术溢出效应的分析框架,并利用2005-2012年15个工业行业面板数据,基于投入产出表测算工业行业嵌入全球生产网络背景下技术溢出对劳动生产率的影响。实证表明:随着工业行业嵌入全球生产网络程度不断深入,产业升级过程中存在“结构封锁”效应,现有技术基础无法实现产业的持续升级,需更为重视大规模的设备投资与研发投入。针对这种情况,笔者提出以全球化的视野,采取链间升级与“在全球生产网络中,又不在全球生产网络中”的策略突破结构封锁效应,激发不同类型主体持续创新的内生动力,通过不同层面的创新来提升自身的分工地位,掌握发展主动权,努力攀登价值链上高增加值环节,最终实现中国产业升级,提高国际竞争力。