• 中国科学学与科技政策研究会
  • 中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院
  • 清华大学科学技术与社会研究中心
ISSN 1003-2053 CN 11-1805/G3

›› 2014, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 536-544.

• 科技发展战略与政策 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 华北水利水电大学
  • 收稿日期:2013-08-07 修回日期:2013-12-03 出版日期:2014-04-15 发布日期:2014-04-16
  • 通讯作者: 桂黄宝
  • 基金资助:

A Study on the Effects of Diffusion or Backwash of High-Tech Industry Based on the FEDER Model of Spatial Econometrics in China, A Study on the Effects of Diffusion or Backwash of High-Tech Industry Based on the FEDER Model of Spatial Econometrics in China, A Study on the Effects of Diffusion or Backwash of High-Tech Industry Based on the FEDER Model of Spatial Econometrics in China

  • Received:2013-08-07 Revised:2013-12-03 Online:2014-04-15 Published:2014-04-16

摘要: 本文构建了基于FEDER思想的空间计量模型,使用1996-2011年我国大陆31省市自治区面板数据,对我国高技术产业产出效应进行了剖析。研究发现:第一,我国省际经济增长之间存在显著的空间相关性;第二,与多数研究结论不同,我国高技术产业存在一定的省际扩散效应和直接效应,但效果不明显;第三,警惕我国高技术产业“统计假象”和“高技术不高”等现实问题。, 本文构建了基于FEDER思想的空间计量模型,使用1996-2011年我国大陆31省市自治区面板数据,对我国高技术产业产出效应进行了剖析。研究发现:第一,我国省际经济增长之间存在显著的空间相关性;第二,与多数研究结论不同,我国高技术产业存在一定的省际扩散效应和直接效应,但效果不明显;第三,警惕我国高技术产业“统计假象”和“高技术不高”等现实问题。, 本文构建了基于FEDER思想的空间计量模型,使用1996-2011年我国大陆31省市自治区面板数据,对我国高技术产业产出效应进行了剖析。研究发现:第一,我国省际经济增长之间存在显著的空间相关性;第二,与多数研究结论不同,我国高技术产业存在一定的省际扩散效应和直接效应,但效果不明显;第三,警惕我国高技术产业“统计假象”和“高技术不高”等现实问题。

关键词: FEDER模型, 扩散效应, 回波效应, 空间计量, FEDER模型, 扩散效应, 回波效应, 空间计量, FEDER模型, 扩散效应, 回波效应, 空间计量, the model of FEDER, diffusion effects, backwash effects, spatial econometrics, the model of FEDER, diffusion effects, backwash effects, spatial econometrics, the model of FEDER, diffusion effects, backwash effects, spatial econometrics

Abstract: This article, employing the spatial econometrics model of FEDER’s thought, analyzed the innovation effect based on the panel data of 31 provinces, cities and autonomous regions’ high-tech industry from1996 to 2011.The findings are: first, significant spatial correlation between provincial economic growth has been existing; second, unlike most of the research conclusion, it has proved that there are certain provincial diffusion effect and the direct effect in high-tech industries in China, but the effect is not obvious; third, it must be warned of such problems of China’s high technology industry statistical illusion and pseudo high technology and so on., This article, employing the spatial econometrics model of FEDER’s thought, analyzed the innovation effect based on the panel data of 31 provinces, cities and autonomous regions’ high-tech industry from1996 to 2011.The findings are: first, significant spatial correlation between provincial economic growth has been existing; second, unlike most of the research conclusion, it has proved that there are certain provincial diffusion effect and the direct effect in high-tech industries in China, but the effect is not obvious; third, it must be warned of such problems of China’s high technology industry statistical illusion and pseudo high technology and so on., This article, employing the spatial econometrics model of FEDER’s thought, analyzed the innovation effect based on the panel data of 31 provinces, cities and autonomous regions’ high-tech industry from1996 to 2011.The findings are: first, significant spatial correlation between provincial economic growth has been existing; second, unlike most of the research conclusion, it has proved that there are certain provincial diffusion effect and the direct effect in high-tech industries in China, but the effect is not obvious; third, it must be warned of such problems of China’s high technology industry statistical illusion and pseudo high technology and so on.