• 中国科学学与科技政策研究会
  • 中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院
  • 清华大学科学技术与社会研究中心
ISSN 1003-2053 CN 11-1805/G3

科学学研究 ›› 2022, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (9): 1649-1660.

• 科技管理与知识管理 • 上一篇    下一篇

信息技术赋能创业:IT 能力对创业绩效的影响


  1. 1. 北京理工大学管理与经济学院
    2. 北京理工大学
    4. 石河子大学经济与管理学院
  • 收稿日期:2021-05-31 修回日期:2021-08-04 出版日期:2022-09-15 发布日期:2022-09-15
  • 通讯作者: 汪涛

Information technology enabling entrepreneurship: The impact of IT capabilities on entrepreneurial performance

  • Received:2021-05-31 Revised:2021-08-04 Online:2022-09-15 Published:2022-09-15

摘要: 大数据、人工智能等新一代信息技术正不断渗透和改变着创业行为和结果,为新创企业发展带来机遇与挑战。目前,企业的信息技术能力对创业活动的影响研究仍处于探索阶段。本文基于创业机会理论与资源依赖理论,考察IT能力对创业绩效的影响机制,探讨创业机会识别与开发的中介作用以及数字化业务强度的调节作用。实证分析发现:IT设施运用能力、IT业务跨越能力和IT前瞻性立场等三种IT能力均有助于提升创业绩效;创业机会识别与开发在3种IT能力与创业绩效间扮演中介角色;数字化业务强度在IT能力和创业机会识别与开发间发挥正向调节作用,并进一步调节创业机会识别与开发在3种IT能力与创业绩效间的中介作用,即:数字化业务强度越高,创业机会识别与开发的中介效应越显著。本研究丰富了信息技术赋能创业的研究内容,有助于推进信息技术在创业理论与实践中的运用。

Abstract: The new generation of information technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence are constantly penetrating and changing entrepreneurial behavior and results, bringing opportunities and challenges to the development of new enterprises. At present, the research on the influence of enterprise information technology capability on entrepreneurial activities is still in the exploratory stage. In this paper, 338 sample data of entrepreneurial enterprises were collected to conduct an empirical study on the relationship between IT capability, entrepreneurial opportunity identification and development, digital business intensity and entrepreneurial performance. This paper mainly analyzes the mechanism by which IT ability influences entrepreneurial performance through entrepreneurial opportunity identification and development in the digital context, and also examines the moderating effect of digital business intensity on this mechanism. The results show that: IT Infrastructure ability, IT business spanning ability and IT proactive stance are all helpful to improve entrepreneurial performance; Entrepreneurial opportunity identification and development play an intermediary role between the three IT capabilities and entrepreneurial performance. Digital business intensity plays a positive moderating role between IT capability and entrepreneurial opportunity identification and development, and further moderates the mediating role of entrepreneurial opportunity identification and development between the three IT capabilities and entrepreneurial performance. Namely, the higher the digital business intensity is, the more significant the mediating effect of entrepreneurial opportunity identification and development is. There are three main innovations. First of all, the category of IT capability has been paid more attention by many scholars in the field of information system research. This study extends this category to the perspective of digital entrepreneurship, and verifies the important role of IT capability in the growth process of entrepreneurial enterprises based on the theory of entrepreneurial opportunity and resource dependence. Secondly, this study also expands the application field of the research paradigm of capacity-behavior-performance, and reveals the mediating mechanism of entrepreneurial opportunity identification and development between IT capability and entrepreneurial performance. Most studies have analyzed the impact of IT capability as a whole on organizational performance, and the conclusions are divided: some scholars believe that IT capability has a direct impact on organizational performance, while some scholars believe that IT capability itself cannot directly affect organizational performance. In this paper, IT capabilities are divided into IT Infrastructure capabilities, IT business spanning capabilities and IT proactive stance, and explore the differences in the influence paths of different types of IT capabilities on entrepreneurial performance, which is helpful to explain the reasons for the differences in previous studies and promote the relevant research progress. Finally, the interactive perspective of capability and environment is introduced to study entrepreneurial performance. IT is proposed that digital business intensity provides a boundary condition for the mechanism of the interaction between IT capability and entrepreneurial performance, which improves the deficiencies of existing researches based on the capability perspective. The interactive perspective is helpful to clarify the mechanism of the influence of IT capability on entrepreneurial performance. It also provides theoretical support for the practical observation that information technology enables entrepreneurship practice. In order to clarify the internal mechanism of information technology enabling entrepreneurship, provide a theoretical basis for enterprise informatization and intelligent construction, and put forward a beneficial supplement to the research on the interaction between organizational ability and environment in the context of digital entrepreneurship. This study enriches the research content of information technology to empower entrepreneurship, which is conducive to promoting the application of information technology in entrepreneurial theory and practice.