• 中国科学学与科技政策研究会
  • 中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院
  • 清华大学科学技术与社会研究中心
ISSN 1003-2053 CN 11-1805/G3

科学学研究 ›› 2023, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (4): 744-756.

• 技术创新与制度创新 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1. 哈尔滨理工大学教授
  • 收稿日期:2022-03-07 修回日期:2022-07-17 出版日期:2023-04-15 发布日期:2023-04-15
  • 通讯作者: 王雪原
  • 基金资助:

Boundary-spanning technological innovation behaviors and their interacting logic of manufacturing enterprises in different contexts

  • Received:2022-03-07 Revised:2022-07-17 Online:2023-04-15 Published:2023-04-15

摘要: 跨界创新成为数字化下技术创新重要方式,本文以470组上市制造企业为研究对象,揭示不同跨界特征情境下差异化的企业跨界技术创新行为作用逻辑。首先,基于介入方式与专注点,采用NCA方法,确定跨界技术创新必要行为——合法性建设、知识开发、市场挖掘与关系构建,提升论证过程科学性。其次,利用熵权法、NK模型及案例分析方法,确定不同跨界广度与深度情境下的主导行为与行为作用秩序,提升作用逻辑研究的系统性。再次,对比分析不同跨界情境整体逻辑与子逻辑调整内容,凸显跨界技术创新行为逻辑差异性与独特性;最后,揭示跨界情境异变下均衡、非均衡等路径转化逻辑,提升研究结果的动态适应性,以为数字化背景下制造企业跨界技术创新提供有效理论支持。

Abstract: Boundary-spanning innovation has become an important way of technological innovation under digitalization. This paper takes 470 groups of listed manufacturing enterprises as the research objects to reveal the differentiated boundary-spanning technological innovation(BSTI) behaviors interacting logic under different transboundary contexts. Firstly, based on the way of intervention and the focus point, NCA method is adopted to determine the necessary behaviors of BSTI -- legitimacy building, knowledge development, market mining and relationship construction, to provide effective decision support for the selection of behavioral activities of manufacturing enterprises promoting boundary-spanning technological innovation. Secondly, based on the combination of breadth and depth of boundary-spanning technology innovation, the contexts are divided into preliminary, professional, multivariate and convergent four categories. Then, entropy weight method, NK model and case analysis method are used to determine the leading behavior and behavior orders under different contexts of manufacturing enterprises’ transboundary breadth and depth. The results show that the optimal action order of manufacturing enterprises in the four contexts are as follows: knowledge development →market mining →legitimacy building→relationship construction, legitimacy building →knowledge development →relationship construction→market mining, market mining→relationship construction→knowledge development→legitimacy building, relationship construction→legitimacy building→market mining →knowledge development. Thirdly, compare and analyze the overall logic and sub logic adjusting contents with different transboundary contexts. It is found that in the primary transboundary context, the manufacturing enterprises’ overall logic is reflected in the behavior intervention mode from direct to indirect, and sub logic focuses from the inside to the outside. Professional manufacturing enterprises should carry out BSTI effectively based on the overall logic of focus point from the inside to the outside and the sub logic of intervention mode from indirect to direct. In the multivariate transboundary context, the manufacturing enterprises’ overall logic is the focus from the outside to the inside, and the sub logic is the intervention mode from the direct to the indirect. In the convergent transboundary context, the manufacturing enterprises’ overall logic is the intervention mode from indirect to direct, and the sub logic is the focus point from outside to inside. The transboundary depth and breadth emphasize behavioral intervention mode and focus point shift respectively. The uniqueness and difference of acting mechanism of different transboundary contexts can improve the accuracy and scientificity of transboundary cognition, and provide effective theory and decision support for manufacturing enterprises to determine key behavioral activities and formulate reasonable undertaking plans according to the matching transboundary context. Finally, the path transformation logic of equilibrium and disequilibrium under the change of transboundary contexts is revealed. The results show that balanced type realizes transboundary transformation through the transition and upgrading of knowledge development, while the realizing of transboundary transformation “from professional to multivariate” or “from multivariate to professional” are depend on the leaps of legitimacy building or market mining respectively. The manufacturing enterprises take the relationship construction as the transition point of “equilibrium to disequilibrium” to effectively realize the transformation; and then adjust the follow-up behaviors appropriately according to the order logic of BSTI behavior in different contexts, to accelerate the transformation of innovation path. The results provide an effective theoretical basis for the dynamic adjustment of innovation behaviors and their orders of manufacturing enterprises based on the different transboundary contexts.